
Texts prescribed for the June 2018 - January 2023 Examinations

Selections from A World of Poetry for CXC (New Edition) by Hazel Simmons-McDonald and Mark McWatt

Poems prescribed for the June 2018 - January 2023 exams are:

  1. An African Thunderstorm

  2. Once Upon a Time

  3. Birdshooting Season

  4. West Indies, U.S.A.

  5. Sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge

  6. Orchids

  7. The Woman Speaks to the Man who has Employed her Son

  8. It is the Constant Image of your Face

  9. God's Grandeur

  10. A Stone's Throw

  11. Test Match Sabina Park

  12. Theme for English B

  13. Dreaming Black Boy

  14. My Parents

  15. Dulce et Decorum Est

  16. This is the Dark Time, My Love

  17. Ol'Higue

  18. Mirror

  19. South

  20. Little Boy Crying