CSE 6813 - @CSE, BUET

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Welcome to the site of CSE 6813 (Network Security). In this course, our goals are to be familiar with different security aspects related to computer networking. In parallel, we will do our own research studies on network security from a theoretical or experimental perspective.

A little background of the course:

"The first computer networks consisted of the military ARPANET and university computers connected to each other through it. Over time, this framework would evolve into the Internet and open a vast range of opportunities for individuals and institutions to interact online. The development of these early networks saw the emergence of threats to them and the need to protect valuable data."

-- https://www.ecpi.edu/blog/evolution-network-security (Last accessed on Nov 27, 2022)

"The internet was actually called the Arpanet back in the 70s and 80s. And, researchers fueled their downtime with practical jokes played online. While they amused one another with these antics, they also served an important purpose. The jokes played on the Arpanet revealed the flaws in the network security of that time. While the risk was minimal because these jokers all knew one another professionally, it was still very revelatory."

-- https://informationsecuritybuzz.com/essay-history-network-security/ (Last accessed on Nov 27, 2022)

"The government agencies in charge of developing ARPANET worked with other users of the network to develop the Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) - the first network security organization. Formed in 1988, CERT actively spread awareness of security protocols and researched ways to mitigate and altogether prevent breaches. As the internet population exploded and the commercial use restriction of ARPANET (now known simply as the Internet) was removed, networks became a highly appealing target for "hackers" around the world."

-- https://www.radware.com/resources/network_security_history.aspx/ (Last accessed on Nov 27, 2022)


In this course, our goal is to focus from both the perspectives of "attacker" and "defender"!

General information about the course:

Instructor: A. B. M. Alim Al Islam, Professor, CSE, BUET

Schedule: Sunday (5:00 PM - 8:00 PM, BD time) [Regular] and other scheduled slots (if needed)

Venue: Room # 506, Graduate Complex, ECE Building, BUET