
General guidelines for preparing presentation slides

  • Use visuals (images and animations) as much as possible. However, do NOT use unnecessary animation such as letters in text appearing through an animation.

  • Use texts as less as possible.

  • Make the whole presentation in a story-telling fashion. To do so, place the slides in such a manner that they remain linked with both the previous and latter ones.

Guidelines for preparing presentation on Project Proposal

Present three things -

  • Problem definition: What are you doing?

  • The motivation part should address three things -

    1. Why is the problem important, or what are the applications of the solution?

    2. Why is this not covered by state-of-the art?

    3. Why cannot we develop the solution using state-of-the art approaches through making small changes?

  • Your solution approach should be one or a combination of the following three approaches -

    1. Theoretical proof

    2. Simulation

    3. Real implementation

Guidelines for preparing the paper presentation

  • Present the following things -

    1. Problem definition: What is the research problem?

    2. Motivation: Why have the authors done the research?

    3. Solution approach: How have the authors solved the problem? Be detail on this.

    4. Subsequent advancements (optional, however, may contain bonus): What are the subsequent research studies and how have they further advanced the solution of the problem?

  • Remember to meet the following criteria:

    1. While choosing the paper, try to pick paper(s) being consistent with you project work being done in this course.

    2. Take approval from the instructor on the paper(s) you are going to present. This should be the first task you need to do in this regard.

    3. Prepare your presentation/lecture contents (might be slides, class lectures, or anything else that would facilitate your presentation).

    4. During presentation, try to make each and every concept crispy clear to all the audiences.

    5. Supply a hard copy of your paper(s) before you presentation in the class.

Guidelines for preparing the Project Report

  • Follow the Latex template from here.

  • In your report, you must have the following sections (you may have more sections and may have several subsections under a section):

    1. Abstract

    2. Introduction (must point out the novelty of your work in bullets at the end of this section)

    3. Motivation behind the Work (must present applications of your work in this section)

    4. Related Work

    5. Proposed Analysis/Methodology/ Mechanism/ Approach (/ any other suitable similar terminology)

    6. Experimental Evaluation (Must comprise simulation or real implementation results with proper elaboration and justification. In case of real implementation, you must include snapshots portraying the implementation. This part will carry the highest weight in your report.)

    7. Conclusion

    8. References