Food4All Challenges

Challenges and Solutions:

  • Learning QT Framework was a challenge since the syntax is different from what we are used to for C++. However, reading the API helped a lot, and video references from youtube, and stacks-overflow answers were of tremendous help. Last but not the least, trial and error for certain things (especially pointers to vectors) was an interesting way to learn how to implement what I wanted to implement.

  • My algorithm includes using a lot of directories. In total, I have about 35 directories in my entire project that includes directories from files, and images used in the app. I had to change my working pc to another due to charging issues after I was 80% done with the code. After having installed QT in my current pc, and then trying to run my app, I realized how tedious it is to have to go to each class and manually change all the 35 directories, and having to double check if they were the correct directories.

Therefore, I made a directory class that has all the directories from the app, and all the other classes in the app has a directory object in them. So, all the other classes can call the specific functions from the directory class to have access to the directories needed by them. And if I have to run this app in a new pc, I’d just have to copy paste the directories 12 times only in the 1 class, instead of having to repeat the process 35+ times in 12 different classes. I also made my exception handling throws detailed, so if one certain directory is wrong, the error message would tell you exactly which file and function to look at (and you can see which directory function is used, and correct it in the directory class).

  • After making the window and dialogues “frameless”, it was immovable, so a stacks -overflow answer was helpful. The credit is given as a comment in the code everywhere that specific code was used.