Food4All Algorithm & Design


Food4All NYC is an application that can act as a resourse for lower inclome families of NYC to access healthier food options with SNAP EBT benefits.

This app contains information about the nutritional values of consuming fruits and vegetables and how they can help with the dangerous health issues like Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension. Locations and names of Farmers' markets that accept SNAP EBT as payments are also provided. The locations are visualized from smallest to largest Community District numbers.

If one is unaware of their community district number, a link to Beta NYC's boundaries map is provided, from where the user can look up any address within NYC and find the community district for it.

The intention of this app is to make lower income families of NYC aware of the various resources that are out there to access healthier food options to lead a healthier lifestyle, and avoid long-term and harmful diseases that come with consuming unhealthy junk food.

Algorithm of the app:

Software Design of Food4All: UML Representation

Software Interface Design of Food4All:

Software Interface Design