
About Mir Afra Humaira

Mir is a third semester sophomore at BMCC, currently majoring in Computer Science. Originally from Bangladesh, Mir has been in the US for about 4 years now, and enjoys meeting new people, and making new friends. Her hobbies include playing the ukulele, video editing, photography, and reading comics. She is currently learning C++, and Javascript, and plans to learn Python, R, and Unity game development with C# in the near future. Her favourite games to play is "Journey" by thatgamecompany. She is also going to be the Vice-president of the BMCC Programming Club and ACM-Women in Computing Chapter for the Fall 2021 semester.

Connect with Mir on LinkedIn : www.linkedin.com/in/mirahumaira23

Follow Mir on GitHub: https://github.com/mirahumaira