Unit 7: ArrayList
Programming Challenges:
In this unit, students complete programming challenges that build toward the Enduring Understandings of
VAR-2: To manage large amounts of data or complex relationships in data, programmers write code that groups the data together into a single data structure without creating individual variables for each value.
CON-2: Programmers incorporate iteration and selection into code as a way of providing instructions for the computer to process each of the many possible input values.
IOC-1: While programs are typically designed to achieve a specific purpose, they may have unintended consequences.
The challenges include:
Digits Array
Array to ArrayList
Search Runtimes
Sort Runtimes
Data Privacy
The programming challenges are opportunities for students to understand when and how to use an arraylist when writing programs to solve tasks. Students also have the opportunity to discuss and discover the effects and consequences of computing programs. Learning Objectives: VAR-2.D -VAR-2.E, CON-2.J - CON-2.M, and IOC-1.B.