Prayer Diary

Every month we are updating our website version of our prayer dairy. Every day we have a verse generator.

July 2024 

Mon Jul 1st We pray that we may live in hope, despite the news of desperate situations. We pray that we may live in joy, despite sadnesses that threaten to overwhelm us. We pray that we may live in a just peace, despite injustice in the world that causes us anger, suspicion and fear. We pray locally for the people of Bettwood Drive, that they may have a sense of the wonder and diversity of God’s creation.

Tue Jul 2nd We pray for children and young people at the end of the exam season. We pray that they are enabled to find some rest and relaxation, without being overwhelmed by anxiety awaiting results. We pray for those still in the midst of exams. May they find whatever support they need. We pray too for teachers, colleges, schools and parents all needing to find the best ways to support and encourage for the next step. Locally we pray for the people of Birch Road, for a neighbourhood of understanding, hospitality and care.

Wed Jul 3rd As the Summer season brings in festivals of all kinds we pray for all who are involved in installing tents, stages, security fencing etc;  for all involved in ensuring the safety and sanitation of such events; for all involved in the medical needs and all providing food and drink at such events. Locally we pray for the people of Birwood Road, that they may sense God’s presence with them, whatever they are facing.

Thu Jul 4th Loving God, we ask for Your guidance and wisdom for our community leaders. Grant them the vision to see and the courage to act on opportunities that enhance our collective wellbeing. Bless them with compassion and integrity as they make decisions that affect us all. We pray for unity and collaborative spirit within our community, that together we may face challenges and celebrate triumphs. Locally we remember the people of Blackley New Road and pray for their safety, health and well-being.

Fri Jul 5th Merciful Father, we hold in our hearts those among us who struggle silently. May they find strength in Your presence and hope in their moments of despair. Provide them with comfort and the assurance that they are not alone. Inspire our community to reach out with kindness and support, building a network of care that uplifts all its members. Locally we pray for the people of Boardman Road, that they find the welcome and support of a caring neighbourhood.

Sat Jul 6th Gracious Lord, we lift up all the volunteers and helpers who dedicate their time and energy to our community. Bless their efforts with fruitfulness and their spirits with joy. May their selflessness inspire others to also contribute, creating a stronger bond among us all. We ask that their work not only meets the needs of today but also sows seeds of hope and cooperation for the future. Amen. Locally we pray particularly for the people of Bottomley Side, that they may feel the joy of belonging and being valued.

Sun Jul 7th 6th after Trinity. 2 Sam 5.1-5,9-10; Ps 48; 2Cor 12:2-10; Mark 6:1-13. O Lord of light and vision, open our eyes to behold your presence, to perceive your love and see your purpose for us. Amen

Mon Jul 8th Remembering the International Day of Cooperatives (6th) we pray for them and for all that we can learn from them. Because co-operatives are people-centred, not capital-centred, they do not perpetuate, nor accelerate capital concentration and they distribute wealth in a more fair way. Co-operatives also foster external equality. As they are community-based, they are committed to the sustainable development of their communities - environmentally, socially and economically. Locally we pray for the people of Bowker Bank Avenue, that they may experience the love and kindness of others today.

Tue Jul 9th We pray for those struggling to find their way, struggling to find purpose in their lives, struggling to live in peace with themselves. Locally, we pray for the people of Bradwen Avenue, that they may have peace and joy in their hearts.

Wed Jul 10th As we look towards the summer break, we pray for all families going on holiday; we pray for all families and individuals in need of a holiday, who won’t manage to get one for a variety of reasons. We pray that they nevertheless manage to get some rest and relaxation. We pray for all those summer clubs, teaching and caring for children during the school break, and for all those parents who will struggle to manage the break. We give thanks for all who live in Brightside Road, and pray that they may be conscious of the love and beauty around them.

Thu Jul 11th On this World Population Day we recognise that, in the words of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, ‘Gender-based discrimination harms everyone – women, girls, men, and boys. Investing in women uplifts all people, communities, and countries.’ We pray for a greater recognition of this and of the stresses of the population in particular regions of poverty, conflict, and vulnerability to the extreme effects of climate crisis. We pray locally for the people of Brookfield Road, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God. 

Fri Jul 12th We pray for all residential, care and nursing homes. We pray for all who work there: managers, carers, nurses, cooks, cleaners and those who maintain the buildings and grounds, and those who support the staff. We pray for skills, patience and compassion. We pray for all the residents and their families, that they feel affirmed, cared for, treated with dignity and respect. We pray locally for the people of Brooklands Road, that they may feel the richness of a community of respect, care and inclusivity.

Sat Jul 13th We look to Emmeline Pankhurst Day (14th) and remember all who campaigned for women in Britain to get the vote. We pray for women throughout the world, still not recognised as having the same rights as men. We pray for all groups who feel marginalised, all who live in fear because of discriminatory laws, culture or practice. We give thanks for those with the courage to stand up and speak out and for all those who had the courage to lead the way. Locally we pray for the people of Brynorme Road, giving thanks for the ways in which they enrich the lives of the local community.

Sun Jul 14th 7th after Trinity. 2 Sam 6.1-5, 12b-19; Ps 24; Eph 1.3-14; Mark 6:14-29. Blessed are you, God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have blessed us with every spiritual blessing; enable us by your power to be true to our calling and live holy and blameless before you all our days. Amen

Mon Jul 15th On World Youth Skills Day we pray that we learn to listen to and learn from young people, that we learn as a society to encourage and support young people develop their skills and fulfil their potential. We pray for young people around the world, having to navigate difficult and sometimes hostile situations. We pray for a world that enables children and young people to thrive, not one that instils fear, insecurity and resentment. Locally we pray for the people of Bury Old Road, that they may feel the safety and generosity of a kind neighbourhood.

Tue Jul 16th We pray for all who are sick in body, mind or spirit: for those on the parish prayer list; for those known to us; for those who feel forgotten or alone. We pray for those losing independence and mobility through old age; for all who are frightened or feel adrift. May they know the love and strength of God’s presence. We pray for the people of Carr Bank Avenue, for their health and well-being.

Wed Jul 17th We pray for all involved in law and legal services. We pray for a just society, where everyone has access to legal services. We pray for all parts of the world where corruption undermines the fairness of trials and decision making. We pray for those caught up in destructive practices in our own country, and all organisations trying to create a more just society for everyone. We pray for charities like Amnesty International and Freedom From Torture, highlighting injustice and torture. Locally we pray for the people of Carrsdale Drive, that they may feel the comfort and presence of God.

Thu Jul 18th – As we mark Nelson Mandela Day we pray for all working for peace and justice around the world. ‘It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build.’ - Nelson Mandela. Locally we pray for the people of Castle Hill Drive, that they may sense the beauty and bounty of God’s creation.

Fri Jul 19th We pray for teachers and others working in schools, colleges and universities as they break up for a well-needed rest and holiday. We pray for all those who will be looking towards a new position, new responsibilities or change in circumstances. Locally we pray for the people of Catherine Road and for the ways in which they help to create a community that feels safe, confident and supportive.

Sat Jul 20th On World Chess Day we give thanks for play and games; we give thanks for the skills, enjoyment and learning that is possible through participation in playing games of all sorts. We pray for those who find it hard to allow themselves to play or participate in recreational activities that can offer so much that is positive and life-enhancing. We pray locally for the people of Cedric Road and ask that they may sense the joy and richness of God’s creation and have a sense of God in whatever situation they find themselves in.

Sun Jul 21st 8th after Trinity. 2 Sam 7.1-14a; Ps 89.20-37; Eph 2:11-end; Mark 6: 30-40, 53-end. God of peace, whose Son Jesus Christ returned from the dead to become the Great Shepherd of your sheep, guide us into the ways of peace and mercy, equip us to do everything that is good and build us up to be a holy dwelling place for you our God. Amen

Mon Jul 22ndWe pray for those whom we meet or are in contact with today, that we may see or hear them truly, that we may recognise their dignity. We pray for them in all they are coping with in their lives. Locally we pray for the people of Central Drive, that they may experience the warmth and security of a welcoming and inclusive neighbourhood.

Tue Jul 23rd We give thanks for those who entertain us with laughter and fun through comedy, art and stories. We pray for them and give thanks for the gifts of laughter and humour. We pray locally for the people of Chestnut House Care Home, that they may feel the security and dignity of a warm, inclusive community.

Wed Jul 24thWe pray for all who feel vulnerable, sorrowful and anxious having lost a life partner, that they may find the love and support of family, friends and community. We pray locally for the people of Chudleigh Road, that they may feel heard, hopeful and valued.

Thu Jul 25thOn World Drowning Prevention Day we pray for all those affected by the drowning of a loved one; we pray for all those refugees fleeing horrific circumstances, desperate enough to risk many dangers in the name of hope; we pray for all those involved in fishing, diving and water transport. We give thanks for all who work to prevent such drowning and for all who come to the aid of those in difficulty on the waters. We pray for the people of Claude Street, that they may know the generosity and compassion of their community.

Fri Jul 26th We pray that we are successful in reaching those in need and in maintaining a positive relationship with the local community. We pray that we may reflect the love, welcome, peace and mercy of God. Locally we pray for the people of Claythorpe Walk, that they may find the support, joy and strength they need in their lives.

Sat Jul 27thWe pray for the children of our parish and ask for God’s blessing on them all. We pray locally for the people of Cleaner Crumpsall, that they may see something of God’s love in their lives and in their environment.

Sun Jul 28th9th after Trinity. 2 Sam 11.1-15; Ps 14; Eph 3:14-end; John 6:1-21. Lord, we are fearful that we will sink amidst the storms of life; we ask that you uphold us, that you come and enfold us in your peace. Amen

Mon Jul 29th We pray for all who are employed in Crumpsall and the businesses of Crumpsall. We pray for those looking for work and those unable to find employment because of health or caring issues. We pray for the people of Cleveland Road, for their health and welcoming, for their wellbeing and joy.

Tue Jul 30thWorld Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Global crises, conflicts, and the climate emergency are escalating trafficking risks. Displacement and socio-economic inequalities are impacting millions of people worldwide, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation by traffickers. We pray for the means to end this vile practice and to bring to account those perpetrating and accommodating it. We pray for all who have been trafficked, that they are found and enabled to live freely. We give thanks and pray for those helping and supporting people trapped in this way.

Wed Jul 31st We remember the International Day of Friendship (30th) and give thanks for our personal friends, for friends we miss and those we see often, for friends who challenge us, whom we find difficult. We give thanks for friendships across divides, between individuals, neighbouring communities, areas within one country and between nations. We pray that as individuals, communities, leaders of countries we have the courage, the determination, wisdom and will to negotiate for friendship in justice and peace. We pray for the people of Cliffdale Drive, that they may enjoy the safety and joy of a welcoming community of friendship.

Verse of the day