Ch7. Dublin Grand Prix I

“I don't trust him, Lou.”

“huh - who?”

“His name is Giles Morin. What kind of person is called Giles Morin, I ask you."

“Who's Giles Morin?”

“This guy in the photo!”

“I don't think I know that guy. Who is he?”

“I don't know him either. I'd remember a suspicious face like that.”

“If you don't know him then of course you don't trust him. That makes sense."

“"That makes sense." Quote Lou Tailler, 20th November 2017. I'm taking notes, you see."

“.. elsie... why do you have a photo of Giles Morin?”

“Because he's here at the show today and I need it for my detective reasons.”

“Did you take it from the show photographer?”

“I didn't not take it from the show photographer's assistant.”

“What are you doing to it?”


“I think that's some kind of invasion of privacy, stealing his photo.”

“I need to know everything about him. I need to know how he takes his coffee. I need to know whether he crosses his legs left over right or right over left or vice versa. I need to know if he snores. I need to know if he throws huge house parties.”

“That's a long list of questions. Any particular reason you suddenly want to know all about a stranger?”

“I'm quite partial to huge house parties so long as I don't have to clean up.”


“He's our new neighbour. He wants to keep that horse in our yard. He might be a psychopath! But I'll be prepared…”

“Wow that was almost rational for the first part.”


“Why are you writing down the things I say?”

“Evidence. I'm going to need this when we go to court to sue him for being an axe murderer.”

“He looks like a normal enough guy. I hope he keeps the tack room tidy.”

“What if his horse is a fake and he just wants to get into our yard to steal from our lemon tree?”

“That's amazingly unlikely. Also I think Labcat has been eating all the lemons anyway.”

“What if ... he... comes into the bookshop and moves the books all around?”

“Like every customer ever?”