Ch3. Tatterdemalion

"You need a horse."

"I don't need a horse."

"You're a horse person, Elsie. You know how this goes. You either get a horse in real life or you join a confusing online community which worships horses."


"It's not worth it! Don't join the dark side! Think of Padme!"


"That's not important. You need a horse."

"Fine. I want this horse. This. Exact. Horse."

.:.: Something of a delay. Possibly a number of months. No-one is counting :.:.

"Well Elsie-"


"It turns out that horse was MSE Fragile Ego."


"And the owner of Morning Star Equestrian was a bit of a fan of Faewood."


"And they're not giving him away."

"Well fair enough, I wouldn't give him away, he's awesome and-"

"BUT they did have a son of his they were willing to give to you, as the owner of Faewood."

"Holy shit."

"So yeah."

"I have a horse."

"You do."

"I have this horse?"

"His name is Tatterdemalion."

"I have a giant horse called Tatterdemalion."

"You're really taking this very well."

"It's 2am. Tell me again in the morning."