"The GED Option#2 (GEDO#2) Program allows authorized school districts to use the GED test battery to measure proficiency in lieu of high school credit for students enrolled in an alternative education program."

"A student who passes the GED tests and completes the other requirements for graduation is entitled to the traditional high school diploma. "

GED Test Breakdown

145 Passing Score for all 4 tests

Reasoning Through Language Arts (English)



Social Studies

GED0#2 Program Requirements

17 years of age. Students are not eligible to establish a GED account or enter into the program until this time.

  • State issued ID. The Department of Public Education requires testing centers to verify a candidate's ID for each test.

  • Demonstrated 9th grade reading level through MAP, ACT Aspire, ACY, TABE, or other approved reading assessments.

  • Completion of Health, Civics, and Career Exploration.

  • 145 ready score of higher for any of the 4 tests.

  • Maintain a 90% or higher attendance rate.

  • Work at least 15 hours a week.