Pros & Cons of Peer Tutoring

What are the advantages and disadvantages of peer tutoring?

In recent years, peer tutoring has become more prevalent in elementary and secondary schools as well as post-secondary institutions. While many of these peer tutoring programs are extremely effective, some are not. Careful consideration of the possible advantages and disadvantages of these programs will lead to better planning and a greater likelihood of success.

Summary of this practical sheet

1 Benefit: Inexpensive additional help for students.

2 Advantage: Guardians also benefit.

3 Disadvantage: Difficulties in scheduling

4 Disadvantage: Staff supervision challenges

Benefit: Inexpensive additional help for students.

Students at risk often need more individual attention than their teacher can provide. This is especially true for students with attention deficit disorder (ADD). A peer tutor in the classroom can help the student with special needs stay focused on work by providing additional explanation and clarification while the teacher is teaching, when the need is greatest. . Peer tutors also generally do not receive monetary compensation for their services. This is especially beneficial for families who cannot afford the cost of home tutoring.

Advantage: tutors also benefit.

Guardians also reap benefits. As teachers know, anyone can gain a much deeper understanding of the material by teaching it to someone else. The tutor develops an increased knowledge of the material, especially when he is in the same class as the pupil receiving the help. When tutors come from classes several levels above those of the students they work with, and give private lessons that they are already familiar with, they develop even greater self-confidence and better communication skills. organization and reflection.

Disadvantage: Difficulties in scheduling

Despite the obvious benefits of peer tutoring, the logistics of programming a formal program can be challenging. Schools that implement peer tutoring programs should consider when and where the tutoring will take place. if the tutor only works with the poorest performing students and does so in the classroom, these students may be socially stigmatized. Tutoring may disturb other students, or students taking tutoring may be distracted by non-tutoring students. Organizing tutoring sessions in another location poses additional problems. Tutors and students will miss the new classroom work while the tutoring is taking place. If tutoring is scheduled at lunchtime or during recess,

Disadvantage: Staff supervision challenges

For a peer tutoring program to be most effective, tutors must be specially selected, trained and supervised by a staff member. It can be difficult to recruit volunteer staff for this position if the school does not have the budget to pay for it. Because peer tutoring depends on interpersonal relationships, students in need should be carefully matched with tutors by someone who knows both students. The tutor must be reliable and committed to ensuring the success of the student in need, otherwise the program could lead to additional frustration for the student with special needs.