Research Statement 

Our lab aims to promote education equity and serve the needs of the community. 

Main Research Lines

The  3 lines of research (below) span two broad domains of school psychology: implementation science and culturally responsive practice.  Implementation science is the study of methods and strategies that facilitate the adoption of evidence-based practice and research into regular use by practitioners and policymakers. Through implementation research, I seek to close the gap between what we know works and what we do. At CRISP lab, we do this by identifying and addressing the barriers that slow or halt the uptake of proven interventions and practices.

Promoting the use of and treatment integrity to evidenced-based interventions

Focus on closing the know-do gap in schools—Dr. Long has a particular interest in promoting the use of treatment interventions in high-need schools(ex., in schools serving marginalized or low-income communities)

Expanding behavioral health research 

Extending research to less studied school contexts and with racial and ethnic minority samples.

Making intervention implementation culturally responsive and relevant