Long Lab Alumni 

Sarah Fletcher, PhD ('19) 

Current Position: School Psychologist/Licensed Psychologist

Dissertation: Process Dimensions of Intervention Implementation: Evaluating the Quality of Professional Development Delivered to Teachers

Favorite Grad School Memory: Graduation at 38 weeks pregnant!

Melissa Grisdale, PhD ('19)

James Upright, PhD ('20)

Shelley Upton, PhD ('20)

Current Position: Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychology at Utah State University

Favorite Grad School Memory: My best memories of grad school involve all the wonderful people I met! I’ve made lifelong friendships and I am so grateful for the camaraderie of the school psych department. 

Aijah Goodwin, PhD ('21) 

Current Position: Psychology Postdoctoral Fellow 

Dissertation: The Role of School Sociocultural Factors on the Academic Competence and Mental Health of Elementary-Aged Children

Awards:  APA Division 16 2022 Outstanding Dissertation Award, and the 2022 NIMH CHIPS (Child Intervention, Prevention, and Services) Fellowship

Favorite Grad School Memory: Bonding with everyone at the football games, end of the semester parties, etc. 

Learn more about Aijah at her website here!

Sam Allouche, PhD ('22) 

Sam is a fifth-year school psychology student in the Cultural Responsiveness and Implementation Science in Psychology (CRISP) lab under Dr. Long's supervision. She received her BS in Psychology, second major in French and MS in Behavioral Health from Tulane University in New Orleans. While in New Orleans, Sam pursued a yoga teacher certification, which she used in her work as Kipp New Orleans’ first yoga enrichment instructor. Sam's research interests include mental health help-seeking behavior of students and the implementation of culturally responsive and trauma-informed practices within school settings. In her free time, Sam enjoys attending live music shows, traveling, and hanging out with her one-eyed cat, Ricky Peach. 

Jennifer Vasquez, PhD ('22)

Jennifer is a fifth-year student on Dr. Long’s team. She received her undergraduate degree in environmental studies from Connecticut College and her Master of Arts from Columbia University-Teachers College in school/clinical psychology. Her current research interests include implementing culturally responsive behavioral supports in low-income schools. Prior to attending LSU, Jennifer worked at a neuropsychology clinic as an education coordinator and has had experience working as a special education classroom teacher. Outside of school, she enjoys spending time with friends, family, and her dog. She also enjoys traveling.

Jacob DeBoer ('23)

Jacob DeBoer a fifth-year school psychology student on Dr. Gresham's team. He received his undergraduate degree in Psychology from Virginia Tech and his master's of science in School Psychology from Northeastern University. His research interests focus on the improvement and expansion of school-based mental health services. Currently, Jacob is completing his pre-doctoral internship at the Boys Town Behavioral Health Clinic in Grand Island, NE (Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional Psychology).

Jessie Munson ('23) 

Jessie Munson is a fifth-year student on Dr. Long's team. She received her undergraduate degree in Psychology and Painting and her Master of Science in Behavioral Health Psychology from Tulane University. Prior to attending LSU, Jessie worked as a care coordinator for a traumatic brain injury rehabilitation program. Her research interests include school-based mental health services and suicide prevention, particularly for culturally and linguistically diverse students. Jessie is currently completing her pre-doctoral internship at Lewisville Independent School District. In her free time, Jessie enjoys painting, sewing, rock-climbing, and cooking with her husband.

Dissertation: Implicit Bias in School Based Suicide Risk Assessment

Favorite Grad School Memory: Post exam ice cream at the LSU Dairy Store with my cohort!