
  • Center of Research for Energy and Climate Change (CRECC)


  • kalloda_fr@yahoo.frt

DR. Khaled Guesmi is a director, Center of Research for Energy and Climate Change Change (CRECC) & Director of Research Department, Economics, Energy & Policy at Paris School of Business. He's also adjunct professor at Telfer School of Management, University of Canada. He undertakes research and lectures on empirical finance, applied time-series econometrics, and commodity markets. Dr. Guesmi obtains his HDR (Habilitation for Supervising Doctoral Research) in in July 2015. He holds his Ph.D. in Economics from the University Paris Nanterre in 2011, and his M.Sc. in Finance from Paris I University of Sorbonne in 2005. Previously, he served as Professor of Finance and Head of Environment, Climate Change and Energy Transition Chair at IPAG Business School, as associate research positions at “EconomiX” laboratory at the University of Paris Ouest La Défense and "ERF" Economic Research Forum, Egypt. In 2003 Dr. Guesmi joined the UNESCO as a Research Manager, and in 2008, he joined “Caisse de Dépôts et Consignations” as Financial Analyst.

Dr. Guesmi is the co-author of many books, He has published more than 100 articles in leading refereed journals. Furthermore, Dr. Guesmi currently serves as Associate Editor at Finance Research Letters, as international advisory board at The International Spectator. In addition, Khaled Guesmi is the founder of the International Symposium on Energy and Finance Issues and the Project Manager of European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Program for Research and Innovation. This program has focused on new models of cooperation between EU and the south-eastern Mediterranean region which are expected to promote a radical re-design of these countries’ energy strategies, focusing on sustainability and efficiency policies. Cooperation, for instance, could be applied to various aspects of the energy sector, including development of renewables, energy efficiency technologies and demand-side policies. Sustainability and efficiency are certainly the domains where the EU support for these countries could bring added value.

Dr. Khaled Guesmi applies modern financial econometrics tools to examine a broad set of topics related to the commodities markets. His research includes topics, such as Finanlization of commodities and contagion effect between stock markets and energy markets. Dr. Khaled Guesmi hold the 4th best world researcher in Energy Finance: Frontiers and Future Development in Beijing in 2018.

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