AI Pole

Dr. Christian Urom, Ph.D.

Head of the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Pole

Center of Research for Energy and Climate Change (CRECC)

Launch of an Artificial Intelligence Pole! 

We're thrilled to announce the establishment of the AI Pole at The Center of Research for Energy and Climate Change (CRECC).

This pioneering initiative is set to revolutionize the way we approach energy solutions and climate change mitigation through the power of artificial intelligence.

👉 What's in Store?

Cutting-edge research at the nexus of AI, energy, and climate science.

Collaborative projects with global partners for sustainable solutions.

Training programs to empower professionals with AI skills in energy and climate domains.

👉 Get Involved!

We're calling on researchers, innovators, and industry professionals passionate about leveraging AI for a sustainable future to join us. Stay tuned for updates on projects and collaboration opportunities.

Together, let's drive transformative change in the fight against climate change and pave the way for a sustainable energy future.
