Roman Technology

Students recreate the products and processes
of ancient Roman daily life through experimental archaeology and hands-on STEM labs.


Roman Technology can be taught as a stand-alone elective class, or in bits and pieces as needed to enhance your Latin curriculum.


Nathalie offers teacher training for those interested in integrating STEM pedagogy into their lessons. These trainings can be done via Zoom or in person and are made specific for YOUR program and YOUR interests.

See more here!

How We Know about the Classical World - archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, architecture, Victims of Vesuvius

Hydraulics - aqueducts, water wheels, water screws, hypocausts.

Construction - arches, concrete.

Mosaics - design, materials, stone cutting, hardie and hammer.

Sundials - analemmatic, Augustus' horologium.

Warfare - shields, catapults, gastraphetes, catapults.

Cosmetics - hair styling, makeup, facial masks.

Kilns and Ovens - grain grinding, charcoal box ovens, bread baking, wine seasonings, clay votives.

Household Crafts - spinning, weaving, looms, leather working, bullae.

Record Keeping - papyrus, pens, squid ink, wax tablets, abacus, finger counting.

Games - rota, tali, dice games, dice towers.

Houses - toilets, impluvium, recycling.

Music (in development)

Medicine (in development)

Shoe-making (in development)