
"The Roman Road Project"
American Classical League Institute, June of 2024

"Myth Makers: Make Your Own Scepter"
American Classical League Institute, June of 2024

"Romin' Around Quintus' Britain"
North American Cambridge Latin Course Webinar

"Hands-on History: Write like a Roman"
American Classical League Institute, June of 2023

"Hands-on History: Roman Board Games and Dice Boxes"
American Classical League Institute, June of 2023

"Weave Like Arachne: The STEAM of Ancient Weaving"
STEM Con and Beyond, April of 2023

"Victims of Vesuvius"
North American Cambridge Classics Project, October of 2022
ETC Live, November of 2022

Colloquium - The STEM of the Ancient Roman Dice Box
Louisiana Junior Classical League Fall Forum, October of 2022

Colloquia - Weaving and Catapults
National Junior Classical League Convention, July of 2022

"Classical STEM Challenges: Weaving and Archery"
American Classical League Institute, June of 2022

"Write Like a Roman: The STEM of Ancient Writing"
Excellence Through Classics Live, April of 2022

"Metamorphosis: Merging Classics and STEM - A Teacher's Journey with an Evolving Student Body"
The 37th Annual Bernice L. Fox Classics Lecture at Monmouth College, February of 2022

"The STEM of Ancient Roman Mosaics"
Excellence Through Classics Live, January of 2022

"Weave Like a Roman: The STEAM of Ancient Weaving"
Excellence Through Classics Live, November of 2021

"A Catapult to Engagement: A STEM Challenge for Classics Students"
American Classical League Institute, June of 2021

"Blooket: Engage Your Students"
A+PEL Summer Camp, June of 2021

"All STEM Leads to Rome: Teaching Roman Technology to Students of Color"
Classical Association of the Middle West and South,  April of 2021

"Myth Makers: A Classical Mythology Class Inspired by the Maker Movement"
American Classical League Institute, June of 2020

"Boom: The Top 10 Nerdiest Things You Never Knew about Vesuvius"
Excellence Through Classics LIVE, June of 2020

"Game Like a Roman: The STEM of Ancient Roman Games"
Excellence Through Classics LIVE, June of 2020

"Roman Divas Unleashed: The STEM of Ancient Roman Makeup"
Excellence Through Classics LIVE, June of 2020

"The Latin and Mythology of Harry Potter"
Excellence Through Classics LIVE, May of 2020

"Drink Like a Roman: The STEM of Ancient Roman Wine Making"
Excellence Through Classics LIVE, April of 2020

"Bathe Like a Roman: The STEM of Ancient Roman Baths"
Excellence Through Classics LIVE, April of 2020

"Mini-Weapons of Mass Destruction: The STEM of Ancient Roman Catapults"
Excellence Through Classics LIVE, March of 2020

"Translating STEM into the World Languages Classroom"
STEM Fellowship with the Foundation for East Baton Rouge Parish Schools, 2019-20

"All STEM Leads to Rome: Teaching Roman Technology"
American Classical League Institute, June of 2019

"STEM Everyday, Episode #102: A Latin Take on STEM"
An interview with Chris Woods, August of 2018

"Gamify Your Formative Assessments in the Latin Classroom"
Louisiana Classical Association Annual Meeting, October of 2016

"Service Learning Through Latin"
Louisiana Classical Association Annual Meeting, October of 2015

"Hades' Haunted House: Bringing the Roman Underworld to Life"
American Classical League Institute, June of 2009

"The Latin Magic of Harry Potter"
National Junior Classical League Convention, July of 2001

"Ad Astra: Using Latin in a Cross-Curricular Science Unit on Planetary Nomenclature"
Classical Association of the Middle West and South, April of 2000