
Who will see my site?

Most websites are designed to be seen by the public. However, there are several reasons why you might want to make your site private or limit your audience:

How do I make my site private?

Each website platform has its own set of procedures for making a site private:

Screenshot of the "share with others" icon in Google Sites.

2. If you want to give someone viewing privileges for your site, your professor for example, add their email address and make them a Published Viewer. You can write them a message to let them know you are sharing the site with them. 

Screenshot of the "Share with People and Groups" pop-up. An email address has been added as a "Published Viewer" and a message has been composed to alert the recipient they have permission to view the site.

3. If you want to add someone as an editor, a group member for example, simply add their email address and select the Editor option for them.

Screenshot of the "Share with People and Groups" pop-up. An email address has been added as an "Editor" and a message has been composed to alert the recipient they have permission to edit the site.

4. Once you added specific viewers and/or editors you can adjust the privacy setting for your site, this is done in the Links section of the Share with people and groups pop-up.

Screenshot of the "Share with People and Groups" pop-up with the "links" section below.

5. Click on Change in the Links section.

Close-up  screen-shot of the Links section, with the Change button.
Screen shot of the Links menu. There is a section for adjusting who can see drafts of the site and who can view the published page.

6. Draft should be restricted to you and those in your group if it is a group assignment.

Screen shot of the Links menu. The "Drafts" section has been set to restricted.

7. Published site  should be set to Restricted if you want the site private and only want your named viewers to see the site. 

Screen shot of the Links menu. The "Published site" section has been set to restricted.

Other Website Tools:


Screenshot of Wix privacy settings.


Screenshot of Weebly's Editor invite page.


Screenshot of Wordpress' page password settings.
Image Credits: Eye by Prosymbols, Security by Freepik from Flaticon.