Add Text


Watch this short video to learn how to add text to a page in Google Sites:


See instructions below or click "Next" to learn how to add images.


Screenshot of the insert tab in Google Sites.

2. Once the text is entered you can format it as a title, heading, subheading, normal text or small text.

Screenshot of the text formatting toolbar n Google Sites.

3. If you use the heading format at the top of each section, it is easy to add a table of contents to the page. These links will let you jump to a specific section of the page. To do this, go to insert, scroll down the list and click on “Table of Contents.” Any item that was given a heading or subheading format will show up on the list. To hide an item from the table of contents, click on the eye symbol next to it. [See an example on this page.]

Screenshot of the Table of Contents option on the insert tab in Google Sites.

4. You can change the background colour of a text box or any section on the page by going to the left-hand side of the content section and Clicking on Section Background. You can choose from two levels of emphasis.

5. This menu also lets you duplicate or delete a section of the page.

Screenshot of the section formatting toolbar in Google Sites.

Now it's time to add some images!