Using Microsoft Teams

You will find on this page various resources support you with your use of Microsoft Teams. Whether you are an expert or a beginner, there is something on this page to help you learn the skills you need.

If you have any questions or need any extra support, please reach out to your school principal,  techno-pedagogical leader, the Microsoft educators' support, or to the RECIT consultant.

As with all things that involve digital skills, remember to be kind to yourself! It takes time for both you and your students to acquire the skills and competencies needed to use digital tools for learning . Keep this in mind the next time something doesn't quite work out the way you expected.

Go back to "Tech Tools @ CQSB" anchor page


The technical basics

There are three main versions of Microsoft Teams : Online, Desktop App and Mobile. The most complete version is definitely the Desktop App and it should be prioritized when possible. 

Downloading the Microsoft Teams app on your computer

You will require a Microsoft account to use the Teams Desktop app. 

If you have received it already, you can use your CQSB email and password to access the app. 

If you have not received your CQSB email and password yet, you can create a Microsoft account using your personal email to start accessing the app. Once you do receive your CQSB email, you should log-out of your personal account and only use Teams with your CQSB email.

Joining a Teams Meeting

Whether or not you have a Microsoft account, it is possible to join a Teams Meeting. 

You can use the Desktop app or the Web Browser version to access a Teams Meeting through the email invitation you have received.

As previously stated, the Desktop version of Teams is the most complete so it should be prioritized when possible.

Have a Microsoft question? Visit and sign-in using your CQSB email address. An Educator Technician will quickly respond. Find out how to do this here.

Microsoft Teams Basic Training

Learning to use the basic Teams features

Never used Microsoft Teams before and don't even know where to start? This is the resource for you. 

Go down the list of statements on each Cheat Sheet and click on the hyperlinked resources to help you acquire all the basic skills you need to use Teams efficiently. For a better view of this resource, click on the "..." in the bottom right corner and click on the "Open in a new window" feature (the square with the arrow in it).

Last Updated: March 2021

Have a Microsoft question? Visit and sign-in using your CQSB email address. An Educator Technician will quickly respond. Find out how to do this here.

Level-up your use of Teams

Tips and Tricks get more out of your Microsoft Teams experience!

If you feel comfortable with the Basic Skills you have acquired for the successful use of Teams but have not necessarily been following all the changes and updates these last few months closely, scroll through this resource to find short videos posted by a Microsoft Representative that go through most of the main changes made to the platform since June 2021.

Last updated February 2022

Resources from Spring 2021

Resources from Fall 2020

More resources if you are a beginner user of Microsoft Teams!

More resources if you are an intermediate user of Microsoft Teams!

Have a Microsoft question? Visit and sign-in using your CQSB email address. An Educator Technician will quickly respond. Find out how to do this here.

Considerations for using Teams for online or blended learning

2020 05 22 CQSB Online Learning Recipe.pdf

Recommendations to Connect Wisely with Students 

PDF LEARNERS_Netiquette_SNRECITFAD_2020-04-20-scaled.pdf

Videoconferencing Netiquette Suggestions