
Getting Started with Seesaw

Getting Started Guide by Grade Level (by Seesaw)

Seesaw had created these amazing Getting Started Guides for teachers at different grade levels. They have since removed these guides from their site for some reason so some of the information may not be exactly correct anymore but they are an AMAZING place to start if you are new to Seesaw.

Getting Started Guide PreK-2.pdf
Getting Started Guide Grades 3to5.pdf
Getting Started Guide 6plus (2).pdf

Teachers' Essential Guide to Seesaw (by CommonSense Media)

CommonSense Media has created an easy-to-read comprehensive hub to get started with Seesaw. Check out the link below to go directly to their Seesaw page and start your learning journey there.

Video Tutorial Playlists (by Seesaw)

Do you prefer learning through video?

Check out these playlists created by Seesaw to help you get started!

Dive a little deeper!

Are you ready for a little more? Want to go deeper into your Seesaw learning journey? Check out the resources in this section!

Visit Seesaw's Learning Hub!

It will allow you to continue increase your level of comfort with Seesaw!

This playlist with present 5 extra Seesaw Features that will enhance your experience!

Teaching your Students How to Use Seesaw

IT can be tricky for young students to work their way around the Seesaw platform. It is important to have them practice the various skills and tools available to them. 

All Seesaw Training Stations.pdf

Here is a downloadable PDF file with ideas of activities that allow students to acquire and practice Seesaw skills.

Print and use as is or let yourself be inspired and create your own!

Below you will find two ideas of daily activities that can be done with students to help them use the Seesaw tools. Try embedding an activity every day so they hone their skills! 

Daily Math Skills Games

Daily Feelings Check In Activity

Ideas on How to Use Seesaw

Looking for more ways to embed Seesaw daily into your class? You can also read the article on the left to discover 10 other ideas of daily activities that can be done through Seesaw.

Peruse or download this list of 100 ideas to use Seesaw in your class!

100 Ways to Seesaw - 1 Page

Have More Questions?

Seesaw has an amazing Help Center where you can find answers to most of your questions!