New to Reading Progress

Have you heard about Microsoft Reading Progress from a colleague and want to know why they are so excited about this tool? Have you seen a Twitter post about this tool and want to learn how to use it? 

Well this page is your one-stop space to learn all the basics of the tool. Scroll down the page and peruse the resources in each section to start exploring the different features of Reading Progress.

What is Microsoft Reading Progress?

Reading Progress in Teams is an app that supports students in building fluency through independent reading practice, educator review, and educator insights.

Educators can upload a single reading passage as a Teams assignment or differentiate for their students' many levels. Students read the text out loud, creating an audio and video recording that educators can assess at any time

Creating recordings allows educators to check student progress more regularly while also freeing up time for active instruction.

Hear one teacher and student's story

Experience this new tool as a student!

This section will allow you to experience a Reading Progress assignment as if you were a student. If you are totally new to Reading Progress, this is a great place to start to get a feel of what your students would experience when completing an assignment.

You need to have a CQSB email address for this to work.

Click here for a taste of what students will see. This will allow you to complete an assignment as if you were a student.

Check out the instructions on the right if you need help.

Did you click on the link above and it did not work?

If you are a CQSB teacher and don't have access to the assignment above, contact the RECIT or ELA consultant to be added to the test Team. 

Check out the video below to see what this same assignment looks like from the teacher's perspective.

Instructions for completing the test Reading Progress assignment 

Learning all the Basic of Reading Progress!

See ALL the features of Reading Progress at a glance in the 20-minute video on the right. 


Learn more about all the basics of Reading Progress through this 60-minute self-paced learning course

Make sure to log-in in the top right corner using your CQSB email and password to save your progress.

Here is a written guide if you prefer learning this way.

You can also scroll down and explore the different components of Reading Progress through the different sections of this webpage.

Creating your First Assignment with Reading Progress

To get a flash overview of how the tool works, complete this 10-minute module. You will get a glance of all of the basics of Reading Progress. You can click on the "Start Now" button to get started and the interactive tool will guide you through the steps needed to complete your first Reading Progress assignment.


Peruse the Genially below to get an even more targeted approach to creating a complete Reading Progress Assignment!

Reviewing student assignments!

Watch the videos below to learn about 2 ways you can review your students' Reading Progress assignments. You can have the Microsoft AI do most of the work or you can manually review the students' work yourself. You choose!

This video describes how to review your students assignments with Microsoft AI

This video describes how to manually review your students assignments instead of using the Microsoft AI

Use Insights to check students' Reading Progress data!

Here is a written guide if you prefer learning this way.

Learn about even more useful features!

Check-out how to create customized reports for your students! Choose what information is shared with them!

Create Challenge Assignments using the words the Microsoft AI recognizes as challenging!