Mozaik Portail- Video Library

In this page you will find a video library of videos detailing the different ways Mozaik Portail can be used in your every day practice.

Use the shortcuts below to go to the section you need.

Evaluation and Reporting Tools in Mozaik Portail

Introduction to the evaluation tools

Enter and modify the results of activities

Entering results by group

Enter and modify report card

Create and manage comments in your comments bank

Written and "first" communications

Attendance Tools in Mozaik Portail

Record Attendance

Edit Attendance

Taking Attendance

Modifying Attendance

Communication Tools in Mozaik Portail

Posting a Message to All Students and Parents

Posting a message to groups of students and/or parents

Posting a message to specific students and/or parents

Consulting Post History and removing posts

Sending emails using the interface

Sending emails to selected recipients