Flip by Microsoft

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What is FLIP by Microsoft?

Flip by Microsoft (formerly known as FlipGrid) is a video discussion app, free from Microsoft, where curious minds connect in safe, small groups to share videos, build community, and learn together.

Think of it as a safe videoblogging platform where only your students can interact with one another and where learning happens through video discussions and interactions.

Students can respond from any device they have to create galleries of videos around different topics you have assigned to them!

Step 1 - Create Your Teacher Account and Create a Group

Create Your Teacher Account

The first step is to create your Teacher Account by going to the Flip website and clicking on "Sign Up".

From there, use your CQSB email to create your account through Microsoft.

Create Your First Group

In Flip, a group is like a Learning Community made up of your students. A group can represent a class, a period, a book club, a lunchtime activity or any other group of students you want.

When you create your first group, you will:

Step 2 - Create Your First Topic

In Flip, a topic is a discussion prompt you want students to add video content to. It can be a question, an idea, an activity, a demonstration, a project...

Topics include:

Step 3 - Share the Topic with Your Students

After creating your topic, you can ask students to head over to the group they are already a member of to interact with the different topics available. 

There, they will see ALL of the active or read-only topics you have created. 

If you want students to head directly to a specific topic, all you need to do is share the unique join code of that topic. Find the Share button in the top right corner of any open topic!

The topic link can be found by clicking on the Share Button in the top right-hand corner of any open topic.

 Once you open the "Share window", you can select your preferred way of sharing. You can copy and paste the link anywhere, use a QR code, use an embed code on a site, or even share as an assignment in Microsoft Teams. 

Check out the section below to find out more about the two ways of creating an Teams Assignment with your Topic link.

You have many options to share your topic link. Choose your favourite!

Sharing your topic as an assignment in Microsoft Teams

You can also share your topics as an assignment in  Microsoft Teams.

Watch the video on the right to learn about 2 different ways you can do this. You can use the embedded Teams button right on the Flip site OR share a topic link in a Teams Assignment to open up even more settings and options!

Step 4 - Ask Students to Share Their Voices

Once the topic link is shared with your students, they are free to add their video responses using the Flip Camera

Check out the "Create You First Topic" section of this resource page to find out more about the different camera options that can be toggled on or off. You also need to consider whether students can reply, comment or like other students' videos. This too can be toggled off in the topic settings.

Students are then free to use the different camera tools you have allowed for your topic to respond and interact with the content.

Both videos below are meant for students so feel free to watch them as a class or make them available as needed.

Checking Out the Video Response Options in Flip!

Sharing your Flip Video Response Link in MS Teams!

Responding to Someone Else's Video in Flip!

Step 5 - Have fun and try things out!

There are so many interesting and unique ways that Flip can be used with students! The possibilities really are endless! This section will allow you to experiment with Flip for yourself exactly as your students will, explore a bank of ready-to-use (or ready-to-edit) topics in the Discovery Library and peruse a list of ideas of Flip topics!

Want to try out more of Flip as your students would?

Choose any of the three topics on the left and experience Flip as a student. 

Click on a topic, use your CQSB email to log-in and respond to the topic using the Flip Camera tools

Check out the Discovery Library by Flip

Why start from scratch? Visit the Discovery Library on the Flip site and explore 47,351 topics (and more everyday) created by the Flip community that are ready-made for you to apply. 

Find a topic, add it to an existing group or save it for later, and start your discussion! You can even edit ALL topics found on this site as your see fit!

Places to connect with other Flip educators and get ideas!

Microsoft Flip Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/Microsoftflip

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/microsoftflip/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/microsoftflip

All-in-one videos

If you prefer learning everything all at once, here are two "all-in-one" videos for your professional learning.

Short overview created by Flip

4 minutes

Medium overview created by a teacher

13 minutes

Long overview created by Flip

30 minutes

You can also visit the Flip Help Center for written guides for the various Flip functions, options and settings.

Links to Oracy Resources

Video from Edutopia:

Oracy in the Classroom: Strategies for Effective Talk

Resources from the Talk section of the Literacy Today website