Travel Information

How to get to Protvino

The accomodation for the participants of the Conference CQIS 2018 is booked in the "Protva" hotel at the address

Gostinitsa Protva,

Ulitsa Pobedy, 4а,

Protvino, Moscow region,

which is 450 meters from the Theoretical Division of the "Institute for High Energy Physics", where the Conference sessions will take place. One can get to Protvino from Moscow either by bus or by car.

By bus

We recommend to take a bus departing from the bus station near the metro station "Yuzhnaja" (the "gray line" on the metro map). Arriving at the metro station (from the center of Moscow) you should go to the exit at the head of the train. Coming out of the metro station, turn left (in the understreet tunnel), go till the end of the tunnel and turn left again. Upstairs you can find a bus station near the shopping center "Yuzhnyj".

The number of bus lines to Protvino is 363, Moscow - Protvino. The price of the ticket is 225 rub, tickets are sold by a driver of the bus. Also the tickets can be purchased online at the address (russian interface). When buying the ticket at this site, please choose "city Moscow, m. Yuzhnaja" in the window "From".

The duration of the trip to Protvino is about 2 hours. In Protvino the bus has several intermediate stops, you should go till the terminal station "Avtostantsija". The hotel "Protva" is in about 300 meters from that station.

The timetable for the bus line 363 Moscow - Protvino - Moscow is as follows:


7.30, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 9.30, 10.00, 10.30, 11.00, 11.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14.30, 15.30, 16.30, 17.00,

17.30*, 18.00, 18.30*, 19.00, 19.30*, 20.00, 21.00, 21.30 (on Fridays only), 22.00, 23.00


5.00, 5.30, 6.00, 6.30, 7.00, 7.30, 8.00, 8.30, 9.00, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00, 14.00, 14.30, 15.00*,

15.30, 16.00*, 16.30, 17.00*, 17.30, 18.30, 19.30, 20.30

The star * marks the buses which are available on Fridays and Sundays only.

By car

Drive from Moscow on highway "Varshavskoe" and then follow M2 (highway "Simferopolskoe") about 77 km. Then, make a right turn to the roadway "Borisovskoe shosse" (turn to Danki) and follow to Serpukhov. From Serpukhov follow ul. Chernyshevskogo in the direction of Protvino.