पेट्रोलियम अनुसंधान केंद्र
A Constituent Laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)
Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
Adjunct Member
Dr. Swapnali Hazarika, FRSC
M.Sc. (Chemistry), Ph.D.
Senior Principal Scientist & Professor (AcSIR)
ID. No. 1053
swapnali@neist.res.in, shrrljt@yahoo.com
Ph: + 91- 0376-237011/2370139 extn. 2383 Fax:0376-2370011, Mob: +91-9435713687
Area’s of Interest : Membrane Science & Technology: Design and Development of membrane for different applications e.g. Membranes for Racemic resolution, Gas Separation, Biomolecules separation, Treatment of Industrial waste water etc., Chemical Kinetics, Reaction Engineering of Chemical/Biochemical processes, Adsorption and Adsorptive Separation processes, Polymer Chemistry and Engineering: Design and development of Chiral Polymers, Extraction/Isolation of bioactive molecules from natural Feedstock, Process optimization and scaling up, Molecular Modelling and Simulation using DFT
Ph.D. (Polymer chemistry)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1080
Ph: ext. 2343 Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Analytical chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Spectroscopy
M.Tech (Applied geology), Ph.D
Sr. Scientist
ID. No. 1111
sangees_online@rediffmail.com, sangeeta@neist.res.in
Ph : + 91- 0376-2370114 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Geomorphology, Neo-tectonics, Seismic microzonation
M.Tech (Chemical Engg.) IIT Kharagpur
ID. No. 1273
Ph: 0376-2370121
Area’s of Interest :Scaleup of chemical processes, Process intensification, Process Engineering, Phytochemicals extraction, Phytopharmaceuticals, Leaching, Equilibrium Separations, Green Technology
Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering
ID No. 1298
Email ID: hridoy@neist.res.in, hridoy69@gmail.com
Area's of Interest: Arificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Software development, Database Development
BE (Civil Engg.), ME (Geotechnical Engg)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1062
basumatarid@neist.res.in, dipakbasu2006@rediffmail.com
Ph: +91 0376 2370121 extn 2375 Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Geotechnical investigation & Safe and economical design of foundation, Testing of various building & road materials.
Ph.D. (Inorganic chemistry)
Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1082
Ph.: +91 0376 2370081 (o) Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Materials synthesis & characterization, Clay materials
BE (Mechanical engg) M.Tech (Petroleum exploration & production)
Senior Principal Scientist
ID. No. 1054
Ph.:+91 0376-2370117 /Fax:0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Engineering design, Mathematical modelling
Dr. Pravin G. Ingole,FMASc.
Ph.D. PDF at KIER, South Korea.
Sr. Scientist
ID. No. 1280
ingolepravin@gmail.com, pingole@neist.res.in
Ph: 0376-2370011
Area’s of Interest : Membrane science and technology, with special interest in - Thin film composite (TFC) and Thin film nanocomposite (TFN) membrane synthesis, Separation processes like, Enantiomer separation, Gas separation etc., Polymer surface modification, Applications to water and wastewater, Membrane fouling , Pressure retarded osmosis (PRO), Membrane technology, Hybrid separation and reaction/separation systems, Low cost & high performance technologies,
B.Tech - Chemical Engineering, LIT Nagpur
M.Tech & Ph.D.- Chemical Engineering and Technology, IIT (BHU) Varanasi
ID. No. 1303
sachingeed23@gmail.com, sachingeed@neist.res.in
Ph: +91 0376-2370121 /Fax : +91 0376 2370011
Area’s of Interest : Bioremediation of petroleum waste, Remediation of emerging pollutants,Growth and inhibition Modeling of biological processes, Microbial strain enrichment for sustainable bio-treatment of organic waste, Bioprocesses design and development forindustrial wastetreatment, Biosurfactant, Development hybrid biological processes for industrial waste/wastewater treatment, Mass transfer studies, Supercritical extraction,Bioreactor and Biofilter performance evaluation
B.Tech. (Biotechnology Engg.), M.Tech (Biochemical Engg.) IIT (BHU) Varanasi, Ph.D. (Biochemical Engg.) (IIT Delhi)
ID. No. 1285
jitendrasinghverma@gmail.com, jsverma@neist.res.in
Ph: +91-6000305400
Area’s of Interest : Bioprocess development, scale-up, technology transfer, validation. Modeling of biological systems. Microbial strain improvement for sustainable production of fermentation products. Quality by design (QbD). Process analytical technology (PAT). Process specific Bioreactor design and development.
Technical Staff
Mr. Ramesh Chand Bohra
Technical Officer
ID. No. 1164
Ph: +91 0376 2370117
Area’s of Interest : Petroleum Product testing
Dr. Rajiv Goswami
Technical Assistant
ID. No. 1315
Ph: 7578917820
Area's of Interest: Membrane Technology
Dr. Monti Gogoi
Technical Assistant
Ph: 8723997584
Area's of Interest: Chiral Resolution, Carbon Nanotube
Mr. Vaikundamani S
Diploma In Computer Application
Technical Assistant
ID. No. 1332
Ph: 9840299146
Mr. Lachit Phukan
Technician II
ID. No. 1154
Ph: 9127068319
Area's of Interest: Petroleum Product Testing
CSIR- North East Institute of Science & Technology
(Formerly Regional Research Laboratory),
Jorhat-785006, Assam
Contact details:
Email: director@neist.res.in
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