पेट्रोलियम अनुसंधान केंद्र



A Constituent Laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR)

Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India

 Message from the Director's Desk

CSIR-North East Institute of Science and Technology (CSIR-NEIST), a leading R&D institute under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), was founded in 1961 to specifically address the needs of the North Eastern Region of India. The institute is dedicated to its mission by providing crucial R&D inputs for the development of the NE region and the nation. The objectives of the institute are: (i) to effectively utilize the substantial material resources of the NE region and to provide R&D support for the economic development of the region and the country; (ii) to assist the region in addressing various developmental challenges; (iii) to undertake long-term problem-solving to aid in the economic development and industrialization of the NER; and (iv) to serve as a bridge between state organizations and other national laboratories for specialized problem-solving.

Currently, CSIR-NEIST is engaged in cutting-edge scientific fields such as Agro-technologies, Environmental studies, Herbal formulations, Bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soil, Earthquake Seismology, Geotechnical investigations, Waste management, Polymer and Petroleum, Membrane technology, Building materials, Nanotechnology, Advanced materials, Catalysts, Synthetic molecules, Coal & energy, Oilfield chemicals, Paper products, and Natural products and fibres.

CSIR-NEIST Centre for Petroleum Research has been working in the research areas of high relevance and importance to address current issues in oil and petroleum research. Many oil industries have signed MoU and working with CSIR-NEIST in challenging areas to address the issues faced by the industries. The Centre employs about 10 scientists and 18 research staff working in diverse areas such as Crude Oil Research, Waste to Wealth, Green and Sustainable Processes for Value Addition, Polymer Engineering for Sustainable Development, Membranes for Petroleum Research, Effluent Treatment, Green hydrogen production.

CSIR-NEIST has been providing high-quality testing and analysis services for various samples such as water, soil, fertilizers, building materials, cement, iron & steel, stones, oil & petroleum products, coal, minerals, fibres, paper, boards, and natural products. The institute is equipped with advanced instruments like FE-SEM, HRTEM, XPS, AFM, XRD, NMR, AAS, HRMS, GCMS, Confocal microscope, flow cytometer, DLS etc.

We encourage interactions and collaborations with industry, academia, and society to enhance and implement our research efforts for the benefit of the NE region and the country.

Dr. V.M. Tiwari, Director  


CSIR- North East Institute of Science & Technology

(Formerly Regional Research Laboratory),

Jorhat-785006, Assam

Contact details:

Email: director@neist.res.in


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