Master Class

Quantum Computing for CP, AI, and OR, and vice-versa

This year's CPAIOR master class is a full-day event on Tuesday 28 May 2024 and focuses on how emerging Quantum Computing technology can impact the fields of Constraint Programming (CP), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Operations Research (OR), and vice versa.

The master class welcomes and encourages attendees with no previous experience in quantum computing. The programme begins with a crash course in the foundations of quantum computation for beginners by Carleton Coffrin, which is followed by technical talks by the other invited speakers on emerging methods for leveraging quantum computing in CP, AI, and OR, and vice versa.

The master class takes place in Ihresalen (map; if arriving from the left/west, aim at entry 3L above/north of the lower-left corner of the building; note that door 3J is only an emergency exit, and that entry 3H is really inconvenient to navigate from) (and note that this is not  the theatre of the conference itself) on English Park Campus (Engelska Parken):

The Master Class greatly appreciates financial support from the Quantum Technologies Group at Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business, which publishes research and educational tutorials at the intersection of operations research and quantum computation.