
  • Patricia Manga Favaretto, Maria Cristina Coelho de Nadai, Vivian RB Saboya and other members of the Executive Board of the Medical Research Laboratories of HCFMUSP: general organization of data collection during the multidisciplinary longitudinal assessment and logistics for the organization of the inpatient database; infrastructure for the initial organization of the COVID-19 Biobank; and general financial management

  • Vilson Cobello Junior & Gisele Pereira (NETI-HCFMUSP)

  • Infrastructure and logistic support of the HCFMUSP COVID-19 task force both during hospitalizations and during the planning and data collection period of the multidisciplinary longitudinal assessment: Engineer Antonio José Pereira & Elizabeth de Faria (Superintendence of HCFMUSP), Rosemeire K Hangai, Danielle P Moraes, Renato Madrid Baldassare, Lucila Pedroso, Marcelo CA Ramos and Taciano Varro

  • Katia Regina da Silva and members of the REDCap Brazil team

  • Support from the administrative staff of the Tropical Medicine Institute to the COVID-19 Biobank: Maria Cássia Jacintho Mendes Corrêa, Andrés Jimenez Galisteo Jr. and Lea Campos de Oliveira

  • Support from the Central Laboratory Division staff for the COVID-19 Biobank: Luciane de Carvalho Sarahyba da Silva, Patricia Azevedo Soares Cordeiro

  • Adriana Ladeira de Araujo: full-time post-doctoral fellow in the institutional initiatives described here until December 2021

  • Izabel Marcilio (Center for Epidemiological Surveillance) and Nelson Gouveia (Department of Preventive Medicine)

  • Eidi Abdalla and Rosa Maria Fischi (FMUSP's Library)

  • Assistance in the preparation of proposals for external funding: Marina Caldeira, Paulo Saldiva, Irene Noronha, Thais Mauad, Emmanuel Burdmann, Jorge Hallak

  • Allocation of staff and equipment for the COVID Biobank in 2020: Clinical Emergencies Research Laboratory (LIM 51), Renal Pathophysiology Research Laboratory (LIM 16) and Nuclear Medicine Research Laboratory (LIM 43)

  • Marina Siqueira (preceptor at the Center for Development of Medical Education - CEDEM) and the team of FMUSP students supervised by her in the task of obtaining informed consent for donation of blood samples to the Biobank during hospitalizations at HCFMUSP

  • FMUSP Board of Directors, and HCFMUSP Clinical Board & Deliberative Board