
Refers to pushing people to the “margins” of society by means of prejudice and discrimination (with the result that they fall to the bottom in terms of economic and political power, which is then reflected in poverty, lack of economic opportunity, etc.). Marginality, obviously, is the anti-thesis of democracy--and it is of course synonymous to oppression. In a country such as the United States, there are many groups that are victimized by marginality, though the criteria used as a basis of this marginality will vary--ranging from age to sexuality, from class to disability, from gender to race, and so on. However, it is important to note that the criteria can intersect giving rise to even higher and qualitatively different levels of marginality (referred to as intersectionality). Study the slide image to see how this works.

Note: the ideological mechanism that facilitates marginality operates thusly: essentialism --> stereotypes --> otherness --> marginality. (Yes, you must know these concepts as well.)