Big Lie

The Big Lie is one of the foundational pillars of deceitful propaganda aimed at the masses. It was first described by Adolf Hitler when he accused Jews of lying to the world that the First World War was lost by the Germans because of the incompetence of one of their generals. It is deeply and tragically ironic that Hitler and his henchmen were themselves authors of the Big Lie when they falsely blamed Jews for Germany's defeat in the war.

More recently, Donald Trump and his allies in United States were described as peddling the Big Lie when they dishonestly claimed that the presidential elections of 2020 were fraudulent; that is the elections were “stolen” by the Democrats—hence guaranteeing Jo Biden's electoral victory. The fact that this was a Big Lie was attested to by one of his own staunch slave-like acolytes, his attorney general; as well as by numerous courts of law (some headed by judges appointed by him). In other words, a Big Lie is a lie that is so bold and unbelievable that it has the perverse effect of convincing the public that it has to be true (since no one in their right mind would peddle such a lie); and with frequent repetition by its authors at every propagandistic opportunity, significantly large sections of the public soon comes to internalize it and begins to repeat it to each other. Historian Timothy Snyder (author of On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century) in a CNN “Reliable Sources” Telecast of January 3, 2021, described the Big Lie thusly: A lie becomes a Big Lie “because you have to disbelieve all kinds of evidence to believe in it. It's a big lie because you have to believe in a huge conspiracy in order to believe it. And it's a big lie because, if you believe it, it demands you take radical action.” Note also that, today, to the purveyors of the Big Lie the social media has turned out to be a great boon. Further, that the Big Lie is part of the money-making industry of right-wing conspiracy theories through which flow millions of dollars via social media.