
Ongoing Projects

DFG Priority Program 2392: Visual Communication. Theoretical, empirical, and applied perspectives. (ViCom)

Coordinator with: Prof. Dr. Markus Steinbach, University of Göttingen

Visual and Non-visual Means of Perspective Taking in Language.

Project in the DFG Priority Program 2392: Visual Communication. Theoretical, empirical, and applied perspectives. (ViCom)

PI with: Prof. Dr. Stefan Hinterwimmer, University of Wuppertal

British-German Project Cooperation AHRC/DFG-Project IDEAlISM: Interactions between Dynamic Effects and Alternative-Based Inferences in the Study of Meaning 

DFG and UK-German Funding Initiative in the Humanities 

Cooperation Project as Co-Investigator with colleagues  of the University College London, the University of Bergen, and the University Göttingen

Terminated Projects

VokSi: Vokabeln lernen mit allen Sinnen: Kombinationseffekte von vorwissensaktivierenden und gestenbasierten Lernstrategien beim app-basierten Vokabellernen  (Learning vocabulary with all senses: Combination effects of prior knowledge activating and gesture-based learning strategies in app-based vocabulary learning)

IDeA-Projekt, DIPF

Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation

PI with: Prof. Garvin Brodt (DIPF)

PSIMS: The Pragmatic Status of Iconic Meaning in Spoken Communication: Gestures, Ideophones, Prosodic Modulations 

DFG-Project in the Priority Programm 1727 – New Pragmatic Theories based on Experimental Evidence 

PI with: Dr. Susanne Fuchs, Prof. Manfred Krifka, Leibniz-ZAS, Berlin

Diskurspartikeln. Inkrementelle Interpretation im Kontext

PI of the  Project C4 of the SFB 732, University Stuttgart

An experimental investigation of long-distance-indefinites in English and German

EURO-XPRAG, European Science Foundation (ESF)  

PI with: Prof. Tania Ionin, University of Illinos at Urbana Champaign & Prof. Britta Stolterfoht, Universität Tübingen

Travel grant