8 November 2021

Event one: NDC Partnership support to South Africa’s NDC implementation

Presented by SouthSouthNorth

The NDC Partnership (the Partnership) is a global coalition of countries and institutions collaborating to drive transformational climate action while enhancing sustainable development. The Partnership is working directly with developing country governments, mobilizing resources and expertise to support and accelerate their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) implementation and increased ambition in updated NDC around the world – including South Africa.

In South Africa, the Partnership supported the Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment (DFFE) to revise and update the NDC, with support delivered by SouthSouthNorth and technical expertise from the University of Cape Town and the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research. Now, with new ambition in the updated NDC, South Africa is preparing for implementation through unpacking the NDC measures into actionable items and mobilizing support for near term priority actions that make way for longer term, bigger impacts against climate targets. Through this process, the Partnership seeks to also prepare investment projects for finance that will require private sector and blended finance to move. In developing the implementation plan, DFFE, with Partnership support and funding from the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, will coordinate development partners and national stakeholders to effectively and efficiently align projects and programs to NDC actions.

09:30 to 10:30 GMT
11:30 to 12:30 SAST

To attend this event, click on the link here.

Event two: Understanding the development of sector-level just transition pathways: a multi-stakeholder approach to South Africa’s NDC context, illustrated through the power sector case study

Presented by: National Business Initiative (NBI), Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) and Business Unity South Africa (BUSA)

South Africa has submitted its updated and enhanced NDC target to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). As heavy emitting developing country, South Africa has increased its climate ambition to play its part mitigating global climate change and to position itself to access long term trade and capital in a zero-carbon future global economy. This showcases South Africa’s new and enhanced NDC and highlights the need for multi-stakeholder collaboration for its implementation, illustrated using a case study in decarbonising the country’s power sector.

This event is hosted by the National Business Initiative (NBI) and will feature speakers from the South African National Department of Forestry, Fisheries, and the Environment (DFFE) and Business Unity South Africa (BUSA).

11:30 to 13:00 GMT

13:30 to 15:00 SAST

To attend this event, click on the link here.

Event three: PCC: South Africa’s Just Transition Framework: Start of a journey in delivering a social compact

Presented by: African Climate Foundation (ACF) in partnership with the Presidential Climate Commission (PCC)

As part of its mandate, the Presidential Climate Commission (PCC) is tasked with developing a framework for a just transition. The framework will serve as a practical guide outlining a spectrum of policy pathways for a climate transition for all parts of society in South Africa, ensuring that the transition to a low-emissions economy and climate resilient society is properly managed, just, and equitable, particularly for the poor, vulnerable, and marginalised.

The PCC and Africa Climate Foundation (ACF) are co-hosting a side event on 08 November 2021 at the twenty-sixth Conference of the Parties (COP 26). The purpose of the event is to showcase the leadership position that South Africa is taking in its journey towards a just and equitable transition with the PCC seeking to reconcile the views of various social partners on what it will take to achieve a just transition giving effect to evidence-based policy change. The side event will cover key perspectives from a global context and across key South African sectors impacted by the transition such as organised labour, civil society, business and an economic research institute on the risks, opportunities, and interventions to ensure that the transition is just and socially inclusive. The platform will also provide a Q&A session which will be opened for discussion.

In building a low-carbon climate-resilient economy and society, we need to ensure decent work for all, social inclusion, and the eradication of poverty. We also need to protect those most vulnerable to climate change, including women, children, people with disabilities, the poor and the unemployed, and protect workers' jobs and livelihoods. The PCC facilitates dialogue between social partners on these issues—and in particular, defining the type of society we want to achieve, and detailed pathways for how to get there since these partners have different perspectives. It is anticipated that inputs and subsequent discussion would contribute to iterative planning processes that can be used to:

  • Set criteria and parameters for policymakers and stakeholders;

  • Identify priority decisions for the short run (within a long range perspective); and

  • Respond to changing conditions and to new insights and opportunities as they arise.

Time: 14:00 to 15:30 GMT
16:00 to 17:30 SAST

To attend this event, click on the link here.

Event four: South Africa: Entering the Global Green Hydrogen and X Fuels Production and Export Niche

Presented by: Northern Cape Economic Development, Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (NCEDA) in partnership with The Presidency of South Africa and Sasol

Trending with the Paris and COP 21 resolutions South Africa is conforming, and ensuing, is the country’s commitment to the Just Energy transition. A key measure is transitioning from fossil fuels to green hydrogen and x-fuels. To enable this South Africa is finalising a national green hydrogen and x-fuels strategy which has a local industry transformation and extensive green hydrogen export orientation. As a precursor to the comprehensive South African Just Energy transition the Northern Cape has been identified as having a tremendous global competitive advantage as a producer of green hydrogen. Subsequently the South African developed the Northern Cape Green Hydrogen strategy with an initiating investment by SASOL that will develop a 5-10 Gig, export orientated, green hydrogen operation. In addition, there provision to ramp this production up (via multiple investments and investors) to between 40-60 Gig of electrolizer capacity with a green hydrogen export orientation. As an existing extension beyond production, is the development of a custom equipped harbour and to ensure efficiency and Heads of Agreement has been entered into with the Port of Rotterdam.

This session will provide an overview of the South African commitment towards a Just Energy transition by the South African Presidency as well as an overview of the Northern Cape Green Hydrogen Strategy, and an investment commitment by SASOL. It will then conclude by showcasing the Northern Cape as an investment partner for green hydrogen production and export.

Time: 16:00 to 18:00 GMT
18:00 to 20:00 SAST

To attend this event, click on the link here.