Technology and Digital Citizenship Resources

Technology Resources:

Educational ICT activites linked to the English National Curriculum. These games are generally targeted at infant school teachers and parents of infant age children.

Helps teachers locate and create ready-to-use Web lessons, quizzes, rubrics and classroom calendars. There are also tools for student use. Discover valuable professional development resources addressing issues such as equity, ELL, technology planning, and at-risk or special-needs students.

An instructional website to help teachers and students to use video produc.tion in class

Interesting ways to use ICT software and hardware in the classroom.

Printables and materials for implementing the Digital Technologies curriculum in your classroom.

Free in-classroom activities designed to address the most technically challenging aspects of the Year 5-6 and 7-8 bands of Australian Curriculum: Digital Technologies.

Each Challenge provides online and unplugged learning resources; engaging, authentic, real-world problems; modular lesson plans; and online training and support for teachers.

Digital Citizenship and Internet Safety:

Class lessons, films, and activities on plagiarism and copyright awareness for the classroom

Resources for lessons on digital citizenship and internet safety.

Information for educators, parents, carers, and young people. It is used to strengthen their awareness and understanding of what digital citizenship is and encourages users of technology to be and become responsible DIGItal citiZENS.

Digital Citizenship game

Get the best out of using the internet and keep yourself and others safe and healthy in an online world. Use these materials to learn what it takes to become a positive digital citizen.