Scrolling Text Banners

To create scrolling banner above, copy the HTML code below.

<marquee font style="bold" scrolldelay="100"><font size="5" face="Verdana"><font color="#BC8F8F">***Simple scrolling text***</marquee>
      • Find the part in the code you have just pasted that says ***Simple scrolling text***. This is the bit you will edit.
      • Highlight the text as above and type your own text in.
      • Change the font size (2 - 5) and the font colour and style to suit.
      • Hey Presto! Your text scrolls across your page.

To scroll from left to right and perhaps add a border.

<marquee style="border:yellow 3px solid" direction="right" font style="bold" scrolldelay="100"><font size="5" face="Verdana"><font color="#BC8F8F">***Simple scrolling text***</marquee>

Border styles - try a few different ones.










and to add a background colour

<marquee bgcolor="slategrey" font style="bold" scrolldelay="100"><font size="5" face="Verdana"><font color="#D8BFD8">***Simple scrolling text***</marquee>

Scrolling text upwards

<marquee bgcolor="#2E8B57" onMouseOver="this.scrollAmount=0" onMouseOut="this.scrollAmount=2" scrollamount="2" direction="up" loop="true" width="100%">
<font color="#ffffff" size="+1" face="arial">SCROLLING TEXT</font><p>
<font color="#FFA500" size="+1" face="arial">UPWARDS</font><p> 
<font color="#ffffff" size="+1" face="arial">HELPS PEOPLE</font><p>
<font color="#ffffff" size="+1" face="arial">NOTICE</font><p>
<font color="#ffffff" size="+1" face="arial">YOUR</font><p>
<font color="#FFA500" size="+1" face="arial">SITE</font><p>

Images can replace text or be added in with text

Click here for the html code for the scrolling text on the main page