Collaborative Spaces

Email and collaboration tools for educators and students at all levels.

Virtual learning environment designed for teachers, instructors, or professors and their students. Teachers can create classes, design tests, quizzes, and/or exams , and assign to any of the created classes or students.

A debate visualization tool to help groups think through complex topics by building and sharing dynamic, collaboratively-editable and ratable maps of subjects from multiple perspectives to increase the transparency and rigor of political debate around the world

Free forums and other embeddable apps. Start a free forum, start a Mailing List, archive Your Mailing List, create a Photo Gallery. create a Newspaper, start a Blog

Now you can embed a forum on your own site, just like a YouTube video. Embed in your own website.

Complement classroom instruction and engage students in online activities, assignments and discussions that allow for deeper participation inside and outside the classroom. Embed Microsoft Office documents, videos, pictures, and PDFs.

Publish discussions to a results page so students can see tangible outcomes of their conversations. Download FREE lesson plans.