
Recipes are important but only to a point. What's more important than recipes is how we think about food, and a good cookbook should open up a new way of doing just that. - Michael Symon

Bon Appetit! Congratulations on your learning, reviewing, and creating related to cookbook reviews and cooking in culinary arts and hospitality.

You have accomplished a lot! Take time to reflect and be proud of the work you have done:

  1. Reviewed two separate cookbooks related to a cookbook theme of diversity, ethnicity, & culture.

  2. Wrote two professional/industry-style cookbook reviews.

  3. Read and discussed other classmates’ cookbook reviews along with published [professional] cookbook reviews.

  1. Wrote your own recipe in a cookbook style, including an introductory paragraph at the beginning that captures your personal and/or cultural connections to the recipe and its ingredients and/or style of cooking.

  2. Added your recipe and related images to a class cookbook.

  3. Cooked and served a recipe of your choosing (your personal one or one from one of your cookbook reviews) in the school's District or Cafe. Captured pictures of the process and shared a QR code to the review and/or recipe with customers.

  4. Reflected on your experience with this Cookbook Culture project.

  5. Created an Adobe Creative Cloud Express website to showcase and share your Cookbook Culture project materials.