...not only Tulsa

No one should be under the impression that the burning of “Black Wall Street” in Tulsa a century ago was a one-off atrocity. In fact, it was part of a long and shameful pattern in which White mobs used murderous violence to erase African American prosperity.       

                                                                                          - -   Eugene Robinson, The Washington Post, May 31, 2021                                                                                                             

The Washington Post, June 1, 2021,  article identifies some of the many erased or distorted events in the history of this country's treatment of Black people. Click on the picture at left to directly access the article. Below is a PDF which, unfortunately, does not include the illustrations.  One of the interesting ones is a map shared on Twitter by Common (below the article).  

Tulsa isn’t the only race massacre you were never taught in school. Here are others. - The Washington Post.pdf

More information on just a  few of  these events ...

There are many more...