International webinar on REUSE

On December Tuesday the 14th, we have organized an international webinar entitled "Modeling and control approaches for REUSE"

The program of the meeting and the presentations are given herebelow :

12h15-12:45 Augusto Magalhaes (Aalto University, Finland) - Approximations of the Kushner-Stratonovich equation for the stochastic chemostat

12h45-13h15 Alain Rapaport (INRAE, France) - Optimal Control applied to an irrigation scheduling problem (common work with K.Boumaza, N.Kalboussi and S.Roux)

13h15-13h45 Antoine Haddon (INRAE, France) - Linking Sensors and Crop Models : Application to Wastewater Reuse

13h45-14h00 Break

14h - 14h25 Jérôme Harmand (INRAE, France) - The INRAE network on REUSE

14h25 - 14h50 Yasmine Sadat (INRAE-ECOFILAE, France) - Integrated dynamic system modeling applied to Water-Energy-Food nexus in urban environment: application to greywater, urine, and domestic organic waste recycling to grow vegetables

14h50 - 15h15 Rémi Servien - Machine learning models based on molecular descriptors to predict human and environmental toxicological factors in continental freshwater

15h15 - 15h30 Break

15h30 - 15h55 Martina Garcia (INSA, France) - Mitigating heat islands and improving thermal comfort in buildings through optimal irrigation of urban vegetation: experimental and numerical approach

15h55 - 16h20 Bruno Cheviron (INRAE, France) - Tentative formulation of a closed-loop control problem with the Optirrig model on a real-life REUSE site: miracle or mirage?

16:20-17:00 Discussion