The project relates closely to the following research groups, networks and activities:
- Link to the project informations on the JPW water website
- The Future energy center - contact:
- TREASURE international research network - contact:
- Experimental site for water reuse - Murviel Les Montpellier - contact:
- "Flexibility of wastewater treatment plants for their reuse in agriculture", PhD of Farouk Aichouche, LBE-INRA, Narbonne, France, 2018-2021
- "Optimisation of water and nutrient resources in agriculture, including treated waste water reuse ", DIGITAG posdoc of Nesrine Kalboussi, Supagro-Montpellier, France, 2018-2020
Partners of the project will be present at the following seminars, schools and conferences on REUSE:
- [in French] - 10es Journées Techniques Eau et Déchets, "Gestion durable des eaux usées : réutilisation et pratiques alternatives", 20-21 mai 2019, cf.
- "International REUSE MUSE Workshop: Agricultural Water Reuse - How to address health and environmental challenges?", Montpellier, 2-4 octobre 2019, cf.