
Feb. 2024

Congratulations to Sun-Jin Han,
Ph.D., on the appointment of Jeonju University!!

Feb. 2023

Congratulations to Seung-Ho Choi, Ph.D., on the appointment at University of Seoul!!

Nov. 2021

Congratulations to Professor Kang Su Kim for his Research Paper Award!

(2021 Fall KCI Conference)

Aug. 2021

Congratulations to Hyunjin Ju, Ph.D., on the appointment of Hankyong National University!!

Aug. 2021

Best Paper Award for graduate students in the first half of 2021 at UOS

Congratulations on Outstanding Paper Award!! 

"Jae-Hyun Kim"

"Darkhanbat Khaliunaa"

Feb. 2021

Remodeled RC&PSC Lab.

Jan. 2021

Sun-Jin Han, Ph.D., went to The University of Tokyo as a postdoctoral researcher.

Nov. 2020

Congratulations to Professor Kang Su Kim for his Academic Award!

(2020 Fall KSMI Conference)

Jul. 2020

Prof. Kang Su Kim, 15th Anniversary!!In appreciation for your 15 years of service and dedication in student education at University of Seoul.

Mar. 2020

Congratulations to Deuckhang Lee, Ph.D., on the appointment of ChungBuk National University!! 

The University of Seoul

# 3115 Construction Building

163 Seoulsiripdae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02504, Korea