Concord College & Career Data Corner

Meet Your Advisor

Zaire Ingram

Zaire Ingram was born and raised in Jackson, Michigan. After graduating from Jackson High School, she attended Jackson College and then transferred to Wayne State University to pursue her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. Currently, she is continuing her education by pursuing a Master’s in Social Work at Wayne State University. Prior to joining the CCAC, Zaire worked with foster youth by providing guidance to those aging out of the foster care system. She really enjoys advising young adults through their education journey and providing support however she can. In her free time, Zaire loves spending time with her family, weightlifting, and watching documentaries. 

Favorite Quote: “Justice is what love looks like in public, just like tenderness is what love feels like in private.” -Dr. Cornel West

The College and Career Access Center

The College and Career Access Center (CCAC) is a non-profit organization that opened its doors in 2008 and is located in the Jackson Crossing Mall. All of our services are free and open to the public. We also partner with each of the 13 districts, which host a College and Career Advisor at your high school a day and a half per week. Your advisor, along with your teachers and counselors, provides a continuum of support and coordination to assist students and families in understanding, accessing, and navigating available post-secondary systems- including 2- or 4-year colleges, skilled trades, military, or directly entering the workforce. Assisting students in effectively navigating these post-secondary waters ultimately supports their successful entry into the workforce.

Advisors coordinate and participate in post-secondary planning events within your district, including FAFSA, Scholarship, and Decision Day events.  These provide parents and students with career planning tools as well as scholarship and financial aid resources. Additionally, the CCAC provides an 8th grade initiative called, "Kids2College & Pathways to Professional Skilled Trades," which provides a curriculum and visit to a regional college and manufacturers, and also an initiative entitled "Juniors Over the Local Circuit," which provides an admissions presentation, lunch, and college tour to our three local colleges-Jackson College, Baker College, and Spring Arbor University.

The CCAC encourages match and fit for all students, believes in post-secondary planning with a dedicated advisor for all students, and encourages all students to view ongoing training and education as a means of achieving their goals after high school graduation.