
Quick and Easy Glide Waxing

Waxing can be intimidating and mysterious to new skiers, but it's important for achieving optimum performance and to minimize frustration. Coaches and athletes will do most of their race waxing at school during practice times. However, athletes may want to wax their skis in between races, to account for changing conditions or because their wax wears off. You can apply the new liquid waxes easily and without a wax bench. They are great products and require minimal equipment. Be sure all waxes are fluor-free.

Glide waxing - for skate skis and for classic skis outside of the kick zone (the kick zone should be taped off with blue masking tape when applying glide wax). Your bases will need new wax if the temperature conditions change dramatically or the bases start to look grey/cloudy/white, rather than shiny black. Skiing on skis that need wax or have glide wax that is the wrong temperature for the conditions won't hurt your skis, but will slow you down.

Equipment needed (all available from Finn Sisu):

(1) Rex Glide Cleaner (optional) - this is useful every once in awhile, especially if you've been skiing on dirty or man-made or old snow. Be sure to purchase the fluor-free option (#513). Around $20.

(2) Liquid wax - different color waxes are appropriate for different temperatures, as indicated on the package. Most skiers can get by with Rex G-blue Glider (for intermediate temperatures) for most conditions, but may also want to purchase Rex G41 Pink/Green for very cold conditions or for man-made snow. Purchase the liquid waxes with the sponge applicator (not the spray), since they will last longer. Around $15-20.

(3) Nylon brush - examples are here and here. Around $15.


Glide Cleaner - Follow the instructions on the can. Shake glide cleaner and apply with paper towel. Let site for 3 minutes. Brush out with nylon brush, using short strokes back and forth until the base is black and shiny. See short video here.

Liquid Wax - Follow instructions on the can. Apply liquid wax by shaking the wax and dabbing the applicator on the base of the ski to get it flowing. Then brush along the base of the ski. Let harden for at least 20 min, and preferably longer (overnight is OK). Brush out with nylon brush until base is black and shiny. See short video here.