How did we get here? And where are we going?

It all started with a lonely cup... 

Our founder, Nick, has been working on the idea for Community Cup since the first year of the pandemic. He was living in Philadelphia and noticed a couple glaring things happening at the time... 

1) Like so many other cities, many small businesses struggled to stay open (or even closed permanently) without customers being able to visit their shops/stores in person; and 2) he saw the negative consequences of the public being isolated from one another, not being able to meet in person, eventually facing virtual exhaustion (death by "Zoom" calls). 

He was living alone and feeling those negative effects himself... family living over an hour away, friends not able to see each other in person, city streets fairly empty, masks on faces. It was a tough time! 

Fast forward to today. Most of us are back outside, together again, with friends and family. Small businesses are popping up again, some even thriving. 

Still, so much has changed... 

Many of us are working from home, frequently or always. We've lost a step in our ability to communicate effectively with each other; lost some of our ability to interact with others in person. 

It was never easy, but the pandemic made it that much harder for us to connect one-on-one with people in our communities. And we won't even go into topics like political polarization, economy troubles, and other factors (yikes). 

Simply put, we're not relying on each other like we used to do years ago. 

Nick believes that we need community now more than ever. We need something to stand behind, and that starts with each other. 

Two people, having a simple conversation, over coffee. 

Where we are today:

Well, we're slowly getting there. We've successfully been able to launch a number of B2C and B2B services for customers to interact with. And we know we've got a long way to go, but we're so excited about what's in store for Community Cup down the road. 🛣️ 

We've developed our user intake form by listening to customers and working closely with our research team to understand what people really want to do with their time today and how we can best serve those customers, as well as their communities & relevant small businesses in these areas. 👂

We're actively in the process of seeking and securing business partnerships throughout the Greater Philadelphia area to allow for customers to have safe & comfortable places to meet but also to gather rewards for using our services and supporting local/small business. 

We want to show our customers that there's obviously value in meeting others, in talking to strangers (gasp!). But we know that rewards, gift cards & discounts go a long way too. 😉 

2024 is here, and we can't wait to show you what comes next. So please join us for the ride! 

And if your looking for potential business partnerships, please reach out to us here

Hope to see you all for coffee sometime.

Nick Salvatore, Founder