What could be better than a Chicken Quesadilla? How about a Chicken Quesadilla served with a Crunchy Taco and a fountain drink? At Taco Bell you can find a delicious array of combos to satisfy your Mexican inspired food craving at any time throughout the day.

I have a layer I've set up from a shp that I'm looking to allow users to edit while in the field. This would involve a stand delineation layer created at a desktop, then refined/edited in the field. I'd like to give users a preset list of field values (ex: Evergreen, Oak, Juniper, etc.) to select from, but I can't find a way to change the input type to a combo box, the option is simply not there. My form is created from the popup, so all the fields are there, I just can't change the input type to anything besides text (single or multiline) and a barcode. Am I missing something?

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The option to have a switch, combo box, radio buttons is predicated on a field that has a domain (or list of values to choose from). In other words, you must define your list of values first. A field that has a domain will be a combo box by default. That can be done in Pro before publishing the layer or if it is already published you can create the list of values on the data tab of the layer's item page. Once this is done, you should then have the option to set the field to be one of the three options listed above.

If you have a continuous form and you want a field to be a combo box of options that are specific to that row, Access fails to deliver; the combo box row source is only queried once at the beginning of the form, and thus show the wrong options for the rest of the form.

The next step we all try, of course, is to use the onCurrent event to requery the combo box, which does in fact limit the options to the given row. However, at this point, Access goes nuts, and requeries all of the combo boxes, for every row, and the result is often that of disappearing and reappearing options in other rows, depending on whether they have chosen an option that is valid for the current record's row source.

Edit Also, I should note that the reason for the combo box is to have a query as a lookup table, the real value needs to be hidden and stored, while the human readable version is displayed... multiple columns in the combo box row source. Thus, changing limit to list doesn't help, because id's that are not in the current row source query won't have a matching human readable part.

Your solution of listing all options available is the correct one. In fact there is no other clean solution. But you are wrong when you say that Acccess goes nuts. On a continuous form, you could see each line as an instance of the detail section, where the combobox is a property common to all instances of the detail section. You can update this property for all instances, but cannot set it for one specific instance. This is why Access MUST display the same data in the combobox for all records!

If you need to accept only record-specific values in this combobox, please use the beforeUpdate event to add a control procedure. In case a new value cannot be accepted, you can cancel data update, bringing back the previous value in the field.

You could also make the value of the combo box into an uneditable text field and then launch a pop-up/modal window to edit that value. However, if I was doing that, I might be inclined to edit the whole record in one of those windows.

We also encounter this a lot in our applicatins. What we have found to be a good solution:Just show all rows in the comboboxes.Then, as soon as the user enters the compobox in a specific row, adjust the rowsource (with the filter for that row). When the combobox loses the focus, you can re-set the rowsource to display everything.

I have a simpler way to go than Gilligan. It seems like a lot of work but it really isn't. My solution requires having my continuous form as a subform datasheet. On my subform I have two lookup comboboxes, among other fields, called Equipment and Manufacturer. Both simply hold a Long Integer key in the data source. Manufacturer needs to be filtered by what is selected in Equipment. The only time I filter Manufacturer.RowSource is in the Manufacturer_GotFocus event.

Seems simple enough, but you're not done yet. You also have to reset Manufacturer.RowSource to all Manufacturers in the SubForm_Exit event in the parent form in case the user goes to the Manufacturer combobox but does not make a selection and clicks somewhere on the parent form. Code sample (in parent form):

There is still one piece of this that is not clean. When you click on Manufacturer and have multiple rows in the datasheet grid, Manufacturer field will go blank in other rows (the data underneath the comboboxes is still intact) while you're changing the Manufacturer in the current row. Once you move off this field the text in the other Manufacturer fields will reappear.

I've just done similar. My solution was to use a fixed row source bound to a query. The query's WHERE clauses reference the form's control i.e. Client=Forms!frmMain!ClientTextBox. This alone will fill the combo boxes with the first row's data. The trick then is to set an 'On Enter' event which simply does a re-query on the combo box e.g. ComboBox1.Requery, this will re-query that combo box alone and will only drag in the data related to that record row.

I know this combo doesn't work and I'm looking for a precise citation I can point to in order to explain why. The way the combo supposedly goes is that you cast Teferi's Protection, then hold priority to activate Lethal Vapors an arbitrary number of times, skipping arbitrarily many turns while you have protection from everything so your opponents mill out. The problem is that your opponents can also activate Lethal Vapors in response, so the combo doesn't actually work - but which rule specifically forces you to let the stack resolve rather than just activating Vapors back and forth forever?

The transparency of data points, with 1.0 being completely opaque and 0.0 fully transparent. In scatter, histogram, bar, and column charts, this refers to the visible data: dots in the scatter chart and rectangles in the others. In charts where selecting data creates a dot, such as the line and area charts, this refers to the circles that appear upon hover or selection. The combo chart exhibits both behaviors, and this option has no effect on other charts. (To change the opacity of a trendline, see trendline opacity .)

All students at UNC, regardless of their major, are invited to audition to perform in the UNC Jazz Band and/or the UNC Jazz Combos (typically 4-5 combos are formed each semester). Jazz area students also often choose to perform in the student salsa band called Charanga Carolina, where they receive training in authentic Afro-Caribbean styles.

This will be a week-long exploration of jazz music for high school students, including performances, workshops, jam sessions, master classes and more, offering a curriculum that covers jazz style, improvisation, theory, ear training, and performance through daily combo rehearsals and two concerts.

You must be checked into camp by 4 p.m. Sunday, June 16. If not you will be placed in the least experienced combo group. Drummers MUST provide their own drums. Guitarists and bassists MUST provide their own amplifiers and cable. If you play a bari sax, bring a bari with you. 2351a5e196

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