I am trying to use the SQL Server Bulk Loader option in Alteryx 11.7.4. I created a Dsn connection and it tested ok. I then tried to use it to load a file to the SQL and received an error : unable to find address for bcp batch. Can anyone explain what that means and how to resolve it?

I'm trying to bulk upload excel files into db using data steam IN tool, but I'm getting an error 'unable to find address for bcp_batch' also I have installed the SQL Server Native client but still no success.

Unable To Download Address Book

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I am able to add a new name and perform imports and exports. I've overwritten the address book and still encounter the same issue. The address book functions fine at the device. Email is the only method in use.

I have discovered the issue occurs when I import the address book from a .csv. First row of the .csv file is Recipient Data. It is basic; Column's A & B contain Name & email address. I am mapping the Column's accordingly.

I found why i wasnt able to upload my address book. I have the Fields Name, Email Address and Fax Address i saved my excel sheet as CSV (Comma Delimited) (*.csv) and in the email address field one of my email addresses had a character after @domain.com (@domain.com???). Once i removed the character and saved the file i reopened it and checked that everything was in order i was able to upload it with no problem.But when I try to map the address book i get this error:

I recently purchased a new Xerox 6400/x and i an unable to import the address book. I exported my address book from a Xerox 4150 and tried to import it to the Xerox 6400 and when i click apply i get the following error "The system is unable to apply your new mapping settings." The address list has 50 emails and it only loads about 5 emails. I tried to add the emails manually on the printer so i can then export the address book via the web browser but that option is not available and an export address book option is also unavailable in this model. Any suggestions :S

Getting random "unable to auto save" messages. At some point Pro Tools freezes while writing the auto save file. The last autosaved session is incomplete, as it is smaller than the previous ones. This happens every couple of hours.

You can reproduce the test I did here and shown in the screenshot below. Launch the target manually, open the Memory Browser view and point to the address 0x200000. With XINTF disabled you should see a bunch of zeros. Go to the Scripts menu I sent before to enable XINTF and magically random data should appear on this view.

My issue is when I go to create a new email, I am unable to select the text box in the "To" section where I would add the recipient of my email. The mouse turns into the "I" shape as if it were able to input text, but nothing happens when I try to type. I've tried signing in and out, going on different wifi connections, typing the email before adding the recipient, and I'm not sure what else I can do.

Etsy isn't going to respond to you here. This is a peer-to-peer forum. You can try contacting them directly through your shop manager. Or you can buy postage off Etsy. Did you confirm with your customer if the address was correct & double check that USPS can deliver there?

@MollyFinds If they want you to ship to a different address, you should cancel the order & have them repurchase it so they can use the new address. If you ship to a different address than what's on their order, you lose buyer protection on Etsy if something goes wrong. If this is a $100 order, that's not something I'd personally take a chance on. Plus, if the country is different, that can affect shipping prices & taxes paid/collected by Etsy.

I'm creating a simple HACK for educational purpose only. A simple Triggerbot that reads from memory the value of player aiming to enemy YES = 1 or NO = 0. I have made some other similar HACKS however I never found this problem .. in Rainbow Six Siege I have the memory address both static or dynamic however cheat engine read it well but when I try to read it from my C++ Program it does't work. Not sure why if it had work with other games. I'm new to this and maybe I did something wrong.

Here is the code simple Find the Window by name, gets its PID fine no problem. OpenProcess then when I call the method ReadProcessMemory with the process, address pointer value by parameter is unable to read it print the if condition and never the else of value read.

If I remove the function from the If condition just for testing if at least points to something it gives some random values... is weird that I'm unable to read memory It always work ::( Can someone help me out? It is some king of security software or something?

And lastly. If memory address (0x25421AD9D6C in your case) is invalid, ReadProcessMemory will fail. In that case value variable would not be initialized and any attempts to use it is an undefined behavior.

Upd: If ReadProcessMemory returns FALSE and GetLastError - ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY that means that a page fault has occured, you are trying to read from a buffer and at least part of it is not assigned to the physical memory. If you know your value offset, get module load address using PSAPI GetModuleInformation function and add offset to the lpBaseOfDll field of the MODULEINFO structure.

Hello. I have been using Evernote since 2010. In that time, I've attempted on different occasions to update my email address. When I signed up I used an account from my personal domain which I no longer use but must continue to keep open for Evernote (and every known spammer).

I have used the Change Email Address in my Account Settings. I would then receive an email on the relevant account advising me to reset my password. I successfully set up a password for the email address and used it to login to Evernote where I would be met with a blank slate, devoid of my content.

I really find it impossible to get help from Evernote. The link above takes you to a loop where it keeps asking you to login - I log in - but then I am kicked out of the help page. I cannot figure out how to change the email address on my main evernote account. Every time I try it says the account already exists. My current email address will be gone in a few days and I am worried about losing all my evernotes.

Please advise how to speak to a human.

I have the same issue and can't find the correct solution from any of the reply. I connect my Evernote with an email address abc@gmail.com but this email address is going to be deactivated by the school, so I have to change the Evernote associated email to 123@gmail.com, it doesn't allow me to do so. It shows that 123@gmail.com is being used. So I try to deactivate 123@gmai.com to make it an address not associated with any evernote account, but it pops-up "service error".

Changing an email address in one account should be simple; but if the new address shows as 'already in use' you may have a second account created in error. You'll need to free up that new address for use in the original account, or use a different address instead.

I made sure to use the right version of Excel when importing the data, and all the addresses are properly segmented and in table form. I'm not sure what the issue is, but ArcMap isn't even able to start geocoding the data before it brings up the prompt.

The problem is that when i try to modify an boolean variable(who is also writing and reading) , that variable change in my VI but in PLC remain the same; And in the OPC server i see the mesage: Source:"Modbus TCP/IP Ethernet" EVENT: "Unable to write to address '400010.3' on device 'myOPCServer': Device responded with exception code 1."

I have an ESXi 7.0.2 which was commissioned at my office. There it worked fine. I seem to have assigned it a static IP address of Everything in the office is on 192.168.10.x. I use the vSphere web browser GUI client.

I go to change the TCP/IP v4 settings on vmk0. I click Edit Settings. Subnet mask is indeed I change to When I press Save I get red error "Operation failed, Network Unreachable" and it won't alter the IP address.

I really have Googled and am unable to find anything to help me/mentioning these errors. All the posts I find say I am doing the right thing and it should change and reboot and I will be able to connect on the new network. Nothing explains why I am unable to change from 192.168.10.x to 192.168.100.x.

My last hope is to drive it to a friend this morning who has a VGA lead to try booting the box (press F2?) with local monitor+keyboard. Then I won't be using the web browser UI interface to connect on 192.168.10.x to it, in the desperate hope that will allow to change the IP address to either static 192.168.100.x or enable DHCP instead. Is this my problem, and this will solve, or is it something quite different?

I am going to drive to friend now so I can plug in a monitor+keyboard directly.I have enabled SSH connection now, so I can get in that way. I have enabled ESXi Shell also. Trouble is I don't actually know what commands to type to (try to) change gateway/IP address?

Indeed! I went to friend, acquired monitor+keyboard I can directly plug into. Lo and behold, that was so easy, I just changed to the desired IP address+gateway and brought it back home! So at least that's done.

What I don't get is: when I configured the IP address/gateway via the console, it didn't say I was configuring for just one LAN network or whatever it is. Yet it seems I can only connect to it through "LAN2" not "LAN1". What is going here?! Did anything I did at the console only apply to one LAN adaptor and not another??

Sorry, in one of your screenshots (which doesn't display correctly at first) the IP address seems to have been obtained via DCHP, now you want to set it statically, well nothing to say, I prefer for what are the basic settings (the "VMK0") to act via DCUI so I don't lose GUI / SSH sessions when the IP address changes, I can "test" the changes and, if necessary, restart the management agents, all within minutes. 2351a5e196

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