A while back, i looked at my father's install of mcafee livesafe to see if it was running fine, and saw that it updated to a weird beta like new edition. this one has done away with not only a few features, but the firewall was redone so apparently instead of outright replacing the windows firewall, it supplements it now, so both run in tandem. mcafee's firewall tab is now called Advanced Firewall

right here, my dad's computer is meant to show on the dashboard here as one of the pieces of hardware with mcafee livesafe installed on it via a selectable tab next to the My Apps tab, yet this new edition of mcafee livesafe doesn't register it on the dashboard here as a product that even HAS mcafee livesafe installed to begin with. Now, i was able to temporarily fix this by uninstalling mcafee livesafe and reinstalling it, which brought back the regular edition of livesafe a few weeks ago. Yet at the time of this post, it seems this newer version of livesafe has overwritten mcafee on his computer again and brought this issue back.

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on his computer, it still registers the product as a valid install and everything else valid, but on the internal mcafee account dashboard up above, it doesn't detect it, at all. Could something please be done about this? i'd like for either LiveSafe to stop overwriting our installs of McAfee Livesafe with this beta looking edition, or at the very least, fix the problem shown on the picture above, so i can see his computer on the devices tab of my mcafee account. Also, im not too keen on having to potentially uninstalling and reinstalling mcafee on his computer to "fix" this little issue here, that would become far too tedious for both of us to handle

When I try to open McAfee LiveSafe, it opens a white window (sometimes with the McAfee logo) and then nothing happens. I can not get to any of the options - eg, I can not switch on/off VPN. I can run a scan from the system tray icon, but can not do anything else.

This issue is often caused by problems with your Windows operating system. System files depend on one another to provide full functionality. If some of these components fail to register, for example, these interdependencies will fail to function.

If I want my wife to be able to use my McAfee Livesafe on her computer, does she have to log into it with my account name and password? Or can I just share a license with her and let her create her own mcafee account but use one of my unlimited licenses?

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Unfortunately you cannot share a license to anyone with an option to register the product with an alternate/different email address. This feature was available on MMS legacy which is EOL.

But I cannot get it to work. It runs sucessfully if McAfee is not on the system targeted but if it is it fails with just a non-descriptive error code (0x80070001) if McAfee is on the system targeted.

I recently bought an Acer laptop (I know it's not a pc, but I don't believe it's that relevant), and It came with McAfee LiveSafe pre-installed because of some sort of partnership between them, along with other Acer software. Now, i've never been much of a fan of "Antivirus" software because they have always caused my PCs to slow down. I thought i'd make an exception since it was already there, so I was actually thinking of buying a lifetime subscription because there was an insane discount on McAfee for new Acer laptops. As expected, McAfee started messing up with my files on the first week. It already botched up the wifi driver, messing with the ports, and then kept deleting the exe file of a game I installed on steam. I thought it was because I haven't updated the laptop since I bought it, which might or might not have fixed the wifi problem. I'm still reluctant on keeping it, but I bought this laptop for college, which means I'm going to be going on a lot of websites and downloading a lot of files.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused by McAfee according to your statement. My understanding about your concern with McAfee which you stated that McAfee started messing up with your files on the first week which also botched up the WIFI driver, messing with the ports, and then kept deleting the exe file of a game you installed on steam.

Thank you for getting back to me about this, but I tried to follow the instructions given ("add device", "select smartphone", and "send download link") and it didn't work. All I got was a message informing me that an error had occurred. I had "live chat" with a McAfee advisor who was very helpful, and talked me through a procedure that I could have worked out for myself, because all we did was install the McAfee LiveSafe app on my wife's phone. My wife and I both have our own separate email addresses which we access independently on our shared Windows PC, and then we have our own mobile phones, on which we can access our own emails. I had successfully installed McAfee on my phone previously, but I had expected that with "Shared Subscriptions" we would be able to have our own separate log-ins (email address and passwords) with the one account. Unfortunately we don't seem to be able to find this option anywhere. It seems a bit pointless for my wife to have to use my log-in details to check her internet security on her phone, because when she opened the app, it just gave her the same information that it had given to me previously, in terms of data breaches, etc. Surely she needs to know if her own personal data has been breached, as well as checking other things which just relate to her own email account and her own phone. I'm sorry to appear a bit "thick" about this, but we're still no further forward with trying to set this up, even though my wife's phone is actually showing as being protected on the McAfee website on the PC (as well as my phone). Could someone please tell me if it is possible for my wife to have her own McAfee log-in with the one account, and if so, how to go about setting this up. Many thanks.

Hi again. Many thanks to Abhishek_Das for assisting with this query. I am now in receipt of the comprehensive instructions that were sent to me, to set up a shared subscription for my wife's email and her mobile phone. Looking through the information I have received, I think I can see where I went wrong, because we had just downloaded the McAfee app from the Google Play Store onto my wife's android phone, and then logged in with my details. Obviously, there was no way of informing McAfee that this was intended to be a different account, which is why the same data-breaches have been identified on her phone as were showing on my email address. To all intents and purposes, it just appeared that I had two mobile phones. I think I can work it out now, because it looks as though we need to uninstall the present download from her phone, and then I have to send an activation code (which we didn't do) from the McAfee account on the PC, but this time we need to specify that it should be sent to her email address. We haven't tried this yet, but we're hoping that she will then be able to open the email and copy the activation code onto her device, whereupon McAfee will recognise this phone and different email address as being part of the account which exists under my log-in details (I hope this doesn't sound too confusing). I'll get back to the Support Community and report how this went when we've done it, and if necessary I may be asking for more help with it. Meanwhile, many thanks for the input.

After my subscription of LiveSave with VPN included finished. I bought a new subscription of Live Safe for 15 weeks. After a while I found out that VPN was not included in that version, which made me disappointed. Instead I got the program Safe Connect for 15 months. The problem is that Safe Connect does not work at all on my computer. Several technicians have been inside my computer trying to make it work. Days have been spent but no solution. Instead I got a free VPN program which works well, but......... I prefer McAfee products. The best solution should be to give my a subscription of Live Safe with VPN for 15 months and finish my present subsciptions of LiveSafe and Safe Connect. A quick and good solution for me and Mc Afee. Unfortunately McAfee will not do that. The will spend a lot of time and effort to make Safe Connect work. What a waste of time and money!

The only thing that could help me is a subscription of Mc Afee LiveSafe with JPN included as I hade before. It worked very well. Instead McAfee had given me Safe Connect, which has never been working on my computer, inspite of days spoilt with technicians trying to solve the problem. When my present subscription ends, I will turn to Norton.

I was rather surprised to find that on installation, True Key opened and pretty much forced me to sign in to one web site, with a statement that I have 14 of 15 freemium logins available. When I tried to use the activation code from my account - which shows "Licenses: 1 of 50 in use" - it said the code had already been used.

Can anyone confirm? Is it 50 licences, or something FAR less useful. I certainly don't want the whole family having my passwords, and I cannot imagine that many users of LiveSafe would be happy with that.

A friend is using McAfee LiveSave v16.0.1 on her Windows 10 PC. Just last week she lost the ability to print to her networked printers (wired, not wireless). After some playing around, I turned off the McAfee Personal Firewall v17.1 and printing was working again. So my question is this, what ports and/or program exceptions do I need to make within her McAfee firewall to allow network printing? She has the following McAfee product(s):

If I right click on the icon in the bottom right of the screen I can ask it to run a scan, and it will do this in the background but I cannot actually see anything. When the scan has finished I have to right click on the icon and select finish to end it. The scan I did found no issues and I have also uninstalled and reinstalled the program, but it has made no difference. The only thing I noticed was that it automatically updated to the latest version when I reinstalled it.

I also have McAfee installed on another PC and it works perfectly fine on that computer. Plus I have also tried all the other possible solutions posted on the internet, again without any success. So if you can help me it would be much appreciated, as this problem is driving me mad. 2351a5e196

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