Bin Wang

Bin Wang (resume)

07/2023 - present Professor, CBME, The University of Oklahoma

10/2023 - present Visiting faculty, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

07/2022 - present Conoco-DuPont Professor, CBME, The University of Oklahoma

07/2020 - 06/2023 Associate Professor, The University of Oklahoma

08/2014 - 06/2020 Assistant Professor in CBME, The University of Oklahoma

05/2010 - 08/2014 Postdoc in the department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt university

04/2011 PhD Chemistry (defended in 2010) Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

10/2007 - 06/2008 Exchange Student, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

07/2004 B.S. Chemical engineering, East China University of Science & Technology

Honors and Recognition:

2024 Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

2024 Vice President for Research and Partnerships (VPRP) Award for Excellence in Transdisciplinary, Convergent Research (as a member in a collaborative team), University of Oklahoma

2024 VPRP Award for Excellence in Research in Engineering and Applied Science, University of Oklahoma

2024 Annual Award for Excellence in Research Grants, University of Oklahoma

2023 Included in the Catalysis Science and Technology Emerging Investigator Series 

2023 Annual Award for Excellence in Research Grants, OU Vice President for Research and Partnerships 

2022 Conoco-DuPont Professor, University of Oklahoma

2021 Regents’ Award for Superior Research and Creative Activity, University of Oklahoma 

2021 Annual Award for Excellence in Research Grants, Vice President for Research and Partnerships 

2021 ACS Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (I&EC Research) Influential Researcher

2020 ACS COMP OpenEye Outstanding Junior Faculty Award, ACS COMP Division

2020 Big 12 Faculty Fellowship, University of Oklahoma

2020 Exceptional Achievements in Research and Creative Activity, University of Oklahoma

2019 EARLY CAREER Award, US Department of Energy

2019 Marquis Who's Who in America

2019 Invited young faculty, CACHE 50th anniversary celebration symposium  

2016 Best Presentation of the session “Computational Chemistry for Energy Application”. the 252nd ACS National Meeting (Philadelphia, 2016)

2009 ACSIN Young Scientist Prize for a best student paper 10th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN10), Granada

2008 Exchange student at LMU, partially supported by BayFrance (Franco-Bavarian University cooperation center)

2007-2009 Marie Curie Fellowship for Early Stage Research Training through an European project MONET (Molecular Networks at Phase Boundaries).

Service Activities

Proposal Review

Panel member and proposal reviewer, US Department of Energy

Panel member and proposal reviewer, NSF

Panel member, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) (Brazil)

Proposal reviewer, European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant

Proposal reviewer, ACS – Petroleum Research Fund

Proposal reviewer, ARISTEIA II (GSRT, Greece) 

Proposal reviewer, LBNL Molecular Foundry

Service to professional society

    Secretary (2022-present), Webmaster (2019-present), ACS Division of Catalysis Science and Technology (CATL) 

    President (2025), President-Elect (2024), Director (2022), Communications Director (2017-2021), Great Plains Catalysis Society 

    Organizer, ACS Fall meeting (2019) Symposium of "Solvent Effects in Metal-Catalyzed Reactions"

    Co-organizer, annual meeting of the Southwest Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (2019)

    Co-organizer, inaugural M3DC - Molecular Modeling and Materials Design Conference (2020)

    Moderator, ACS COMP virtual session, ACS fall national meeting (2020)

    Session Chair, Great Plains Catalysis Society spring symposium (2019)

    Session Chair, ACS Pentasectional Meeting (2019)

    Session Chair, AICHE annual meeting (2017)

    Session Chair, APS Spring meeting (2013)

    Program Committee, 76th and 77th Physical Electronics Conference annual meeting (2016, 2017)

    Journal Reviewer for 100+ journal articles

    Book Reviewer for Springer

Press and Media Coverage

    AICHE CEP magazine (May, 2019)

    C&EN (August, 2020) 

    JACS Spotlights (2015)

    IEEE Spectrum (March 14, 2014)

    Catalysis Science and Technology (July 11, 2023)

    Oklahoman Newspaper(April 26, 2019)

    Stateimpact Oklahoma (May 10, 2018), Oklahoma Radio NPR (May, 2018)

    Department of Energy Office of Science (August, 2019; April, 2019, October 2022, July 2023)

    OU Research (August 1, 2019; April 1, 2019; April 6, 2021; September 19, 2022, December 12, 2023)

    OU Engineering Research (August 21, 2020; June 15, 2021; September 27, 2021, June 9, 2023)

    Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials GmbH (May, 2024)

    OU Foundation's IMPACT newsletter (March, 2024)

    Vanderbilt Research news (March 13, 2014; March 13, 2012) (April 1, 2019; August 26, 2020)

    ScienceDaily (April 1, 2019; March 13, 2014; March 13, 2012)

    Nanowerk (March 13, 2014; March 13, 2012)

    Inverse (April 28, 2018) 

    Scienmag (August 26, 2020)

    Newswise (August 26, 2020; November 24, 2021)

    AzoMaterials (August 26, 2020)

    ChemEurope (August 26, 2020)

    IFL Science (April, 2018)

Green Car Congress (April 1, 2019)

Reddit (April, 2018)

EurekAlert! (April 1, 2019; September 28, 2021)

Kurzweil (March 18, 2014)

Laboratory Equipment (April 2, 2019) etc