Akira Mori | On the Other Side of Lying


会期 2 0 2 2年 9月 1 0 日 ~ 1 0 月 2 9 日

開場 土曜 1 2 : 0 0 ~ 1 8 : 0 0、(平日 1 8 : 0 0 ~ 2 0 : 0 0   *平日のみメールにて要予約)

休日 日曜、祝日

ラウンドテーブル開催   『巡る境界について』 1 0月 8日(土)    1 7 : 0 0 ~ 1 9 : 0 0    


広告費助成:公益財団法人仙台市市民文化事業団 2022年度 公演・展示活動助成事業 








Narrative tied to Fluids


When an object is placed in a stream, the stream tries to flow along the surface of the object. However, due to the viscosity of the fluid, the fluid is subjected to shear forces at the boundary layer of the object's surface and flows against it, doing work. It, therefore, slows down, depleting its energy, and detaches behind the object. When detachment occurs, the flow that tries to go around behind the object becomes a vortex and flows away.

This causes it to slow down due to energy depletion, resulting in detachment behind the object. Now, a vortex results from fluid separation behind an object, creating resistance to an object in relative motion to the fluid. While the airfoil shape effectively generates those vortices and, conversely, uses them to generate lift.


Sometimes we get information about history and war from documents and literature and are enslaved by images created from them. Whether fiction or non-fiction or a narrative tied to one nation or community, one layer of intention, such as editing and creation, is interspersed. I had the sensation of peeping at the scene through its manipulated layers. Vortices are created from resistance to an object in motion relative to the fluid. I have embarked on an exhibition that takes up hydrodynamic terminology and examines to trace the geographical iconography and its transition as the Western world has continuously used and developed it since the Middle Ages.


Akira Mori

Round Table